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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Exec: Xbox One Sales Were Incredible During Black Friday, Possibly Takes A Shot At PS4

What I see is free promotion for the awesome PS4 bundle.............. Thanks allot MS.

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What are those purple things to the right of the stack of PS4's ?

sabastian said:

What are those purple things to the right of the stack of PS4's ?

Lots and lots of 360's. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Baryonyx said:
Am i the only one who can see those XB1's next to the Ps4? How is this a legit? he said: the XB1 sold out... but his photo say something else

They appear to be 360's not XB1's.

prayformojo said:
justgames7604 said:
Why is everyone so mad in this thread? doesn't sony take jabs at MS all the time. Comes across like you're all threatened and wounded.

It's one thing to be IN THE LEAD, blowing the other team out and then bragging about it. I've always said, if you're going to talk, make sure you can back it up. Microsoft is SO far behind right now that they're nearly getting doubled over world wide. Hell, they aren't even winning the US yet. That's why it's so ridiculous imo. It's like someone celebrating a goal in soccer while being down 10-3. lol

why is everyone so hurt and wounded at this then? their favourite company is still in the lead, why sound so threatened by one day?

Systems Owned: PS1, PS2, PS3,PS4, Wii, WiiU, xbox, xbox 360, xbox one

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So where are the Xbones even supposed to be in the pic? I was expecting to see an empty PDQ or something.

MoHasanie said:

Black Friday has come and gone. We hope that you were able to pick up your favorite consoles and games at a pretty cheap rate. This year’s Holiday is pretty important for Microsoft and Xbox One. The console is currently lagging in sales compared to the PlayStation 4, with rumors stating that the PS4 has already sold 15 million consoles compared to 8 million Xbox Ones out there.

Having said that, according to Aaron Greenberg, who looks after the marketing of first and third party games studios at Microsoft, the Xbox One had an incredible Black Friday. “Sales were incredible, grateful for all the support and new fans,” he tweeted. It will be interesting to see what kind of figures Xbox One did during the sale. Hopefully the next NPD sales figures will give us a broader picture.

Furthermore, Greenberg also revealed that the Xbox One was a total sellout in one of the Target stores in California. In the same tweet he shared an interesting picture which shows a pallet full of PlayStation 4s. (I see what you did there, Aaron!) Unfortunately this made a few fans a bit unhappy.


sold out here in California, "whole pallet sold out" per employee here.

Yeah... those big stacks of PS4s actually sold out too in most places.

And at Best Buy...


XB1 had hot deals, but it seems PS4 also has sold a lot of what it shipped.

My 8th gen collection

Goatseye said:
Greenberg must've been hanging around Tretton and that big head Adam Boyes.

So Greenberg taught those two some tricks? Lol. Because Greenberg has been like that for many years now

The One and Only

Ninsect said:
Goatseye said:
Greenberg must've been hanging around Tretton and that big head Adam Boyes.

So Greenberg taught those two some tricks? Lol. Because Greenberg has been like that for many years now

What were some of the stuff he said before?

I'm pretty sure it doesn't measure up to those penis head (the Greatness couple).

Goatseye said:
Ninsect said:
Goatseye said:
Greenberg must've been hanging around Tretton and that big head Adam Boyes.

So Greenberg taught those two some tricks? Lol. Because Greenberg has been like that for many years now

What were some of the stuff he said before?

I'm pretty sure it doesn't measure up to those penis head (the Greatness couple).

Tretton is by far the worst I have ever seen in terms of stupid comments about his own product or the competitions. I am of course, disqualifying Kennith K because he is just insane. But mainly the quote about how he'd buy a PS3 for like $1,200 or whatever if you could find one, as if they were the console equivalent of unicorns or something. And all the shit he said about Nintendo while at Sony. Yikes.