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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Watch Dogs shifts almost no copies on its Wii U launch in UK

What is even the point of the 3DS comparison anyway? No Nintendo console since the NES has sold as well as its handheld counterpart. It's never going to have 3DS level support from Japanese devs because it sells like crap in Japan. So that isn't a "lets wait and see if it gets Japanese support" ... that bus left the station two hours ago and it ain't coming back.

Yes in some hypothetical happy, magic land where the Wii U has Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest and all those games, it could theoretically do better than it is now, but that is not happening, so the "a Nintendo console could sell well if it had a great rounded out library". Well yeah, sure. And I could date Scarlett Johansen if I was Brad Pitt.

The Super NES and NES already showed that Nintendo can do well with a well rounded library and good third party support, but the Wii U sure as heck is not the SNES or NES, nor will it ever be. You don't get third party support when your hardware sales are this bad, so the entire arguement is a non-starer. 

I'm sure somewhere Sega is saying the Dreamcast could've been a success ... if Squaresoft and EA had supported. And sure maybe it would have, but no wants to hear the excuses, they just want to see the actual market performance and that's based on what they actually had, not some fantasy of what they could have gotten. 

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padib said:
KLXVER said:

No, the DS had way better support than the 3DS. Name three big western developers that support the 3DS.

Case in point. Western devs are irrelevant to the portable line, always have been. Your model is broken.


Ok, then name three big japanese developers that support it.

padib said:

I don't mean good by my tastes... I mean strong sellers. I don't consider a remake of Monster Hunter to offer strong sales potential. I don't expect the SEQUEL to a low-selling game (pikmin) to be a strong seller.

ZombiU is a strong seller?

padib said:
the_dengle said:
Soundwave said:

If a basketball team loses 120-88, a fan shouldn't get their panties in a wad if someone says they got their ass kicked.

Take it from a Sixers fan... you don't know the meaning of ass-kicking until you've lost 123-78....

padib said:

3 good games in there: Mario Kart, Mario 3D World and Zombi U.

You previously said you weren't interested in other games because you had gotten your fill of those franchises earlier. To now dismiss them as not good purely on the basis of your lack of interest in them is a wild change of tone.

I don't mean good by my tastes... I mean strong sellers. I don't consider a remake of Monster Hunter to offer strong sales potential. I don't expect the SEQUEL to a low-selling game (pikmin) to be a strong seller.

By this logic though how many "big" selling IP does Nintendo even have? Mario Kart, 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Brothers ... and now the list starts getting pretty damn thin and they've basically already spent all those on the Wii U already. Wii Sports/Fit/Party are basically defunct as IP. DKC and Zelda (especially more "cartoony" Zeldas) are a lower tier than those mentioned, but Nintendo has even already used up DKC. 

Your basically defeating your own arguement with points like this. Yes, if they had more "big" sellers, they would sell more Wii Us ... but they don't, so where really is your line of reasoning leading to? If the arguement is that Bayonetta and Pikmin and DKC don't "count" because they're not big enough IP, then Xenoblade, Splatoon, Yarn Yoshi sure as hell aren't likely to fare much better and that's mostly all Nintendo has left. 

KLXVER said:

Ok, then name three big japanese developers that support it.

That's a softball question right there.

Nintendo EAD Tokyo Group 1
Nintendo EAD Tokyo Group 2
Nintendo EAD Kyoto Group 1
Nintendo EAD Kyoto Group 2
Nintendo EAD Kyoto Group 3
Nintendo EAD Kyoto Group 4
Nintendo EAD Kyoto Group 5
Intelligent Systems
Hal Labs
Bandai-Namco Games

Around the Network
padib said:

Capcom, SquareEnix, Konami. All have big franchise games on the 3DS.

Ubisoft, Activision, EA. All have big games on the WiiU.

padib said:
the_dengle said:
padib said:

I don't mean good by my tastes... I mean strong sellers. I don't consider a remake of Monster Hunter to offer strong sales potential. I don't expect the SEQUEL to a low-selling game (pikmin) to be a strong seller.

ZombiU is a strong seller?

It sure is.

Could have fooled me. And Ubisoft. Since they said they were disappointed with the game's sales.

padib said:
the_dengle said:

Could have fooled me. And Ubisoft. Since they said they were disappointed with the game's sales.

You were fooled. Sales and profit are two vastly different metrics. Angry birds for example was a very low budget game which sold like wildfire.

padib said:
Soundwave said:

By this logic though how many "big" selling IP does Nintendo even have? Mario Kart, 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Brothers ... and now the list starts getting pretty damn thin and they've basically already spent all those on the Wii U already. Wii Sports/Fit/Party are basically defunct as IP. DKC and Zelda (especially more "cartoony" Zeldas) are a lower tier than those mentioned, but Nintendo has even already used up DKC. 

I don't have an answer to that. Nintendo need to find a way of breaking out of the tough spot they've put themselves into. Their games are often more of the same (though with some new mechanics depending on the game), they would need to find a way of attracting buyers again.

I know they were able to pull off some cool tricks in the past such as New Super Mario Bros., basically a return to roots after a very long time, a remix of sorts. Before that there was Super Mario Advanced which took the original Super Mario Bros. 2 and really did a good job of remixing it.

Then there's obviously pokemon in 1994 I believe (or was it 1992) that just blew everything out of the water. We know that Nintendo is capable of these kinds of revolutions. The Wii Sports games sure lacked quality but they attracted buyers. Nintendo is able to do these kinds of things and it's not lightning in a bottle, it's a business philosophy. They just kind of lost the touch lately.

There's no "magic touch" to it ... making brand-new break out ideas in any entertainment medium is *HARD*. 

It's like a movie producer saying "well now just give me some great new original idea that's gaurunteed to make hundreds of millions at the box office". 

Well, no sh*t, saying that is easier than actually going out and doing it. 

Even for Nintendo, they generally come up with one "monster" idea every 10 years or so, Mario in the 80s, Pokemon in 90s, Wii Sports/Fit in the 2000s, so far nothing for the 2010s. 

At least you can say they're maybe overdue for something, but that's certainly no gauruntee. 

EricFabian said:
torok said:
Expected. And after Bayo 2 fiasco we should only wait for Devil's Third to really conclude that there isn't a market for mature games on Nintendo consoles.

just like Microsoft did with original Xbox... oh wait

Why is it any similar? Halo, Ninja Gaiden, GTA and a lot of mature games sold well on the OG XB. The truth is that anybody that wanted these mature titles jumped ship to XBox or PS years ago.