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What is even the point of the 3DS comparison anyway? No Nintendo console since the NES has sold as well as its handheld counterpart. It's never going to have 3DS level support from Japanese devs because it sells like crap in Japan. So that isn't a "lets wait and see if it gets Japanese support" ... that bus left the station two hours ago and it ain't coming back.

Yes in some hypothetical happy, magic land where the Wii U has Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest and all those games, it could theoretically do better than it is now, but that is not happening, so the "a Nintendo console could sell well if it had a great rounded out library". Well yeah, sure. And I could date Scarlett Johansen if I was Brad Pitt.

The Super NES and NES already showed that Nintendo can do well with a well rounded library and good third party support, but the Wii U sure as heck is not the SNES or NES, nor will it ever be. You don't get third party support when your hardware sales are this bad, so the entire arguement is a non-starer. 

I'm sure somewhere Sega is saying the Dreamcast could've been a success ... if Squaresoft and EA had supported. And sure maybe it would have, but no wants to hear the excuses, they just want to see the actual market performance and that's based on what they actually had, not some fantasy of what they could have gotten.