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padib said:
the_dengle said:
Soundwave said:

If a basketball team loses 120-88, a fan shouldn't get their panties in a wad if someone says they got their ass kicked.

Take it from a Sixers fan... you don't know the meaning of ass-kicking until you've lost 123-78....

padib said:

3 good games in there: Mario Kart, Mario 3D World and Zombi U.

You previously said you weren't interested in other games because you had gotten your fill of those franchises earlier. To now dismiss them as not good purely on the basis of your lack of interest in them is a wild change of tone.

I don't mean good by my tastes... I mean strong sellers. I don't consider a remake of Monster Hunter to offer strong sales potential. I don't expect the SEQUEL to a low-selling game (pikmin) to be a strong seller.

By this logic though how many "big" selling IP does Nintendo even have? Mario Kart, 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Brothers ... and now the list starts getting pretty damn thin and they've basically already spent all those on the Wii U already. Wii Sports/Fit/Party are basically defunct as IP. DKC and Zelda (especially more "cartoony" Zeldas) are a lower tier than those mentioned, but Nintendo has even already used up DKC. 

Your basically defeating your own arguement with points like this. Yes, if they had more "big" sellers, they would sell more Wii Us ... but they don't, so where really is your line of reasoning leading to? If the arguement is that Bayonetta and Pikmin and DKC don't "count" because they're not big enough IP, then Xenoblade, Splatoon, Yarn Yoshi sure as hell aren't likely to fare much better and that's mostly all Nintendo has left.