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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Realistic games aren't always grey


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No 45 28.85%
Yes 111 71.15%
zarx said:

These are not eye gougingly bright colors. They are basically brown/grey. 

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GTAexpert said:

I've recently seen people argue that realistic games look bad because they are grey/brown. But have you guys even played any game with realistic graphics other than military shooters? I mean, yeah there are some games which are grey/brown, but doesn't mean all realistic games are like that. I'll show you some pics of realistic games which aren't grey or brown. If you think these pics are grey/brown, you are colour blind.

The hell is that last screenshot? Its not Ninja Gaiden or AC2

Most of them are, atleast from my experience.
That's the reason why I like Bioshock Infinite so much.
It's a really colorful game.

There's a place and time for everything - people who think that everything needs to be chirpy colorful are just...funny, to be polite.

Here are two versions of George Grie's "The Sand Castle", they both are telling, IMO, quite different story, and I find both to be valid:

Ka-pi96 said:
Zekkyou said:

Completely agree. I couldn't care less if a game is brown, pink or shitting out rainbows. As long as the palette fits the theme, location and atmosphere of the game, i'm happy.

I'd love to see that game!

You should look into:


Your mind will be blown!

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Game_God said:
GTAexpert said:

I can see many clours here, like black, blue, white and yellow.

So by your standarts these are bright & colorful pictures:

 Straw graspers are gonna grasp I guess!

Do the Bender! Do the Bender! Do the Bender!Hoooooooooo!!!

IMO that second picture makes the post 70% less funny, but it's still very funny.

Ka-pi96 said:
I'm not sure I've ever seen a game that is only grey/brown, no idea what those people are talking about.

None is saying a game is only grey or only brown. You exactly know what they mean.

@ OP
Alot of e.g shooters are located in dirty, dusty, deserts or in ruins and post apocalyptic ghost towns or whatever. Its full of brown and grey and if there is color then its extremely desaturated.
(if you try to create atmosphere but all of it is the same then you failed because atmosphere lives from change and from contrast. Like shadows dont work if they dont get highlighted by light.
This is also why this "individual fate girl" exists in Shindlers List)

And colors have alot of emotional impact on people. For alot of people everything looking the same/similar is tiring and starts to get boring. Why did so many people start to hate WW2 games? because there were way to many of them. Same with grey/brown games. (with minimal use of color). But that does obviously not apply to black and brown only.  it applies to everything that is overused. Black silhouttes games like these

are already on alot of peoples "no thanks" list

And if every game would start to go "COLOR EXTREME" like this it also would start to get boring/annoying.

Back to the "brown/grey" games.
Having 1 extremely dominant color is not the problem. Most games using the same 2 colors is. Also not having a contrast (no poping color when everything is muddy/desaturated) Its like reading a block of text without punctuation or paragraphs or listening to a 15minute monologue in a movie. its just tiring for alot of people,

In my opinion way to many games look like this:

(the asia level looks great tho. So just this scene not the entire game is representative here.)


More games need to look like this:

(In this scree white is obviously dominat but "blueish shadows" and popping colors help alot!)

(Not realistic I know)

They do have their fair share of everything looking the same areas but always add variation. Spec ops is a great example of being dark when needed.

Realism combined with desaturated colors/grey/brown makes alot of people think "I cant see this s***anymore"

and I  almost never heard people complain about racing games thb. (maybe if its the generic  mid-day nurburgring track that existed in way to man racing games imo)

and before people jump to conclusions (because they seem to like doing it) This has nothing to do with me making fun of anybodies taste or whatever.  And if you dont know "whats going on" with/in 3 of the 4 "color screenshots" I posted then dont even bother replying because it shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

So long story short. Being grey/brown in doses is great but give people time to "recover" from that by providing some variation. (Battlefield 3 does a good job here)

Zekkyou said:
pokoko said:
The whole "omg M-rated games are all grey/brown" thing is mostly just people trying to downplay games they don't like or don't have access to.

Personally, I don't even give a rat's ass if some games are grey/brown. I bloody WANT the color palette to match the tone of the game. Fallout: New Vegas is mostly brown? Hell yeah, it's mostly brown, it's in a cat damned desert. I want it to be brown. If someone can't play a really good game because of they care more about colors, good for them, there are plenty of games with unrealistic color schemes, they can play those games and stop whining about it.

Completely agree. I couldn't care less if a game is brown, pink or shitting out rainbows. As long as the palette fits the theme, location and atmosphere of the game, i'm happy.

This. Zekkyou generally makes too much sense.

How is CoD bland? It has a bunch of colors.

Wright said:
AZWification said:

Nah. It must be the game's fault!

Well, that effectively ruins my argument.

it happens, Wright! You can't always win.. :/

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