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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All The HIGHEST Rated Games of All Time (95+ Only) and Developers...

Highest User Scores: 9.5 Resident Evil 4

the only one with this score

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All well deserved! Their impacts cannot be understated. :)

Wright said:
haqqaton said:
Four Zelda's! This IP has a strong seal of quality. If it's Zelda, it just can't be a bad game. =)



Whoa whoa whoa! You talking crap about mah bois!?

Wazowski said:

Highest User Scores: 9.5 Resident Evil 4

the only one with this score

I have a sudden strong urge to replay RE4 again. For the 20 somethingth time.

LittleBigPlanet was made by Media Molecule before Sony bought them. Just saying...

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Sony is doing fine with 5 games (Gran Turismo for 2 of them) and 4 different IPs. LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, The Last of Us are all born during the previous gen. It's impressive. I hope that they will do as least as well with PS4. The key to success lies in the ability to innovate, meaning to renew in order to stand out from the competition.

Dallinor said:
Bioshock and GTAIV don't deserve to stand among that pantheon of all time greats, incredibly overrated games.

I agree with GTAIV, but BioShock? Why?

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

No Final Fantasy at all? =(

Dammit, just BARELY. It's the highest rated FF.

And seeing GTA IV and Ocarina of Time in the top spots make me die a little on the inside.

AZWification said:
Dallinor said:
Bioshock and GTAIV don't deserve to stand among that pantheon of all time greats, incredibly overrated games.

I agree with GTAIV, but BioShock? Why?

Probably bitter that System Shock 2 isnt on the list...

For me its MGS 3>MGS 2, that e3 demo for MGS2 though... i bet thats a huge reason why the game ranked so high, it just blew peoples minds at the begining with that intro.