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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All The HIGHEST Rated Games of All Time (95+ Only) and Developers...

Hiku said:
tbone51 said:
Trivia: Multiple Games of 1 Franchise in the highest rated games (95+) are....

1. GTA (5 games)
2. LoZ (4 games)
3. Half Life + 3D Mario + Halo + Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (2games)

Gran Turismo also has two games on that list. (GT1 and GT3.)

P.S. I'm curious what the broken images are. Too lazy to cross reference to the list.

Which Row and What number from 1-4?

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WhiteEaglePL said:
OOT 99?

I'm still waiting for the time when Nintendo hits the jackpot with 100!!!!! (possibly next year. You know, ZELDA!)

There will never be a 100. Never. Critics are assholes nowadays. Take the 3DS version of OOT for example. It was superior to the original in every conceivable way and even included the Master Quest version, but it didn't even get a 95. The only game for the current generation of consoles and handhelds to have a 95 was LoU:Remastered, which was the same as the original version got. Critics nowadays nitpick and take off for little things. The chances of every single reviewer out there today all finding absolutely nothing to nitpick at in a game nowadays is astronomical.

Podings said:
I'm happy it's such a broad mix of genres and visual styles. :)

There really is something for everyone in there.

Agreed... looking trough those titles I remembered yet again why I adore gaming in general

Zelda, Resident Evil, Uncharted, ...Shock... all amazing series

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

HylianSwordsman said:

There will never be a 100. Never. Critics are assholes nowadays. Take the 3DS version of OOT for example. It was superior to the original in every conceivable way and even included the Master Quest version, but it didn't even get a 95. The only game for the current generation of consoles and handhelds to have a 95 was LoU:Remastered, which was the same as the original version got. Critics nowadays nitpick and take off for little things. The chances of every single reviewer out there today all finding absolutely nothing to nitpick at in a game nowadays is astronomical.


Oot 3DS only highlights how dated the game is in some areas, hence why it scored lower. Most of those games, if reviewed today, would score considerably less.

Hiku said:
tbone51 said:
Hiku said:
tbone51 said:
Trivia: Multiple Games of 1 Franchise in the highest rated games (95+) are....

1. GTA (5 games)
2. LoZ (4 games)
3. Half Life + 3D Mario + Halo + Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (2games)

Gran Turismo also has two games on that list. (GT1 and GT3.)

P.S. I'm curious what the broken images are. Too lazy to cross reference to the list.

Which Row and What number from 1-4?

The three images to the right of Little Big Planet.
A.k.a. bottom row, far right.
Also, the  4 images at the very bottom of the post (below the text "★ Visual Concepts ★ 97~ NFL 2k1") appear broken.

The bottom 4 were just extra space if i needed it my bad. The 3 from lbp are... Batman Arkham City + Goldenye 64 + Perfect Dark

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If you minus the sports and grand theft auto games then I own all the other games on that list

Ka-pi96 said:
tbone51 said:

Just get the remake, its looking alot better and it'll have nice additional features, nintendo is one of the best when it comes to remakes, especially pokemon :0

Agreed! I love their Pokemon remakes. Best remakes ever IMO

Yeah, without being biased at all, they actually feel like brand new games. HGSS was the best pokemon in terms of overall feats. I think ORAS will top XY for sure.

Remakes sell pretty well too. Hopefully ORAS does 9mil, the least to expect would be 6-7mil, but no more than 11mil-12mil (that would be FRLG+HGSS levels!)

Bioshock and GTAIV don't deserve to stand among that pantheon of all time greats, incredibly overrated games.


GTAexpert said:
haqqaton said:
Four Zelda's! This IP has a strong seal of quality. If it's Zelda, it just can't be a bad game. =)

Same can be said for many other series like God Of War, Uncharted and BioShock.

But Zelda has a seal of quality over significantly more time and significantly more entries than those series. That's if you ignore the CD-i entries of course, which I do.

As for the list as a whole, it's a good list, and there is no game whose inclusion I would argue with I don't think. It seems when critics decide a game is 95+, they're usually right.

Ka-pi96 said:
For the developers shouldn't Littlebigplanet be down as Media Molecule rather than Sony? Also, what about the Rockstar ones, some of them (Red Dead) were made by a different Rockstar studio on a whole different continent.

Unfortunately that was part of metacritic. Some dont give out specific developers, like LoZ+Mario games. It had Naughty Dog+Retro Studios separate though?