S.Peelman said:
Undoubtedly! Jeesh, I'm losing my touch here, my last couple of games were guessed not long after I put up the hint :-| . Gotta be better tomorrow |
Well take comfort in that you have excellent taste in games
S.Peelman said:
Undoubtedly! Jeesh, I'm losing my touch here, my last couple of games were guessed not long after I put up the hint :-| . Gotta be better tomorrow |
Well take comfort in that you have excellent taste in games
Smeags said: 33 lists implemented so far. 664 unique games. :D If you have your list completed and you're satisfied with the results, please PM it to me ASAP and I'll love you forever. ^_^ |
Can you still love me even though I won't PM you my list?
Player2 said:
Muramasa. |
NNID: TheCCluc
KLXVER said:
Well take comfort in that you have excellent taste in games |
Why thank you.
I saw that you have Peggle, something I never expected to see on such a list and probably the best 'mini-game' ever, Streets of Rage like me and a game made by Raven. I will have one myself further on in the list and have been tossing and turning about including another one (it'll have to do with a 'honourable mention' this year). So until now I can say; "Likewise" .
Tomorrow will be the first entry on the list for my favorite franchise ever :)
TruckOSaurus said: #46 - Resident Evil 5 While it didn't quite reach the heights of his predecessor, Resident Evil 5 is nevertheless a great game. Even better, if you've got a friend by your side to take on this wild adventure. It features my favorite RE vilain, Wesker, it's action packed, with awesome boss fights and dangerous boulders to defeat. I think I spent as much time on the regular campaign as in the extra mode Mercenaries which while incredibly stressful provides some amazing gaming moments. |
platinumed the gold edition. The one DLC where you visit the mansion was great and co-op was a blast on any mode. Sure it wasn't horror but it was a fun action game and knowing what to expect makes it infinitely less shocking when you're punching boulders lol
artur-fernand said:
Hmm... should have mentioned it was a last gen game, lol.
Teeqoz said:
My love is *very* conditional. But I'll love you Teeqoz, but only because of that one time you saved me from space ninjas.
platformmaster918 said: Tomorrow will be the first entry on the list for my favorite franchise ever :) |
So it's Ratchet and Clank. How many R&C games do you have on your list?
Shadow of the Colossus (PS2, 2005)
guessed by Mr_No
The development team that produced the cult hit Ico returned in 2005 with Shadow of the Colossus, an action game that pits a young warrior against sixteen colossi, enormous, formidable creatures that roam the plains, deserts, ruins, and lakes of a forbidden and forgotten land. A mixture of organic and architectural parts, each colossus is a wonder to behold; each encounter with a giant is unique and memorable. Director Fumito Ueda, who also helmed Ico, created in Shadow of the Colossus (SOTC) one of the most atmospheric, puzzling, and immersive games of the sixth generation. It's a shame that, in the decade since the release of SOTC, we've yet to play a new title from Ueda, one of the industry's brightest stars.