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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

#24 - Resident Evil 2

As Resident Evil 2 starts, it throws you in the deep end (especially if you haven't played the first game like me), the first time you gain control of your character you're already in deep trouble among a swarm of zombies. I died a few times before getting the hang of it but that rough start set the tone for this game, you really felt like you were in a dire situation, hopelessly outnumbered. Your ammo is limited forcing you to choose which zombies you're going to kill, some enemies are terrifying (especially the lickers!).

The game also features an interesting story, cool weapons, scary bosses and cheesy dialogue. You get to play as Leon S. Kennedy or Claire Redfield, each one travelling a different path even though they pass through the same locations (also the story differs depending on who you play as first).

This is a game I played many times over, unlocking everything I could until I could beat the game fast enough to be awarded the unlimited rocket launcher which does kill the tension in the game but is so much fun!

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I'm almost caught up! Let's leave hints for my other games:

#23 Hint: Who knew vegetation could give you the power of flight?
#22 Hint: One of this game's modes could use one-hit wonder band Len's song as its theme (you're allowed to Google Len...)
#21 Hint: Auctions are evil and ruin games, thankfully they are now a thing of the past

Signature goes here!

#21 - My first Far Cry game, I fell in love with the franchise there. Still, to this day my favorite FPS single-player franchise. Collected all the diamonds (227 of them), some were a real bitch to find and retrieve.

Now I'm playing FC4 and loving it, but as it is ineligible for this list, only this and FC3 will be on it (FC3 is a bit higher up).

TruckOSaurus said:
I'm almost caught up! Let's leave hints for my other games:

#23 Hint: Who knew vegetation could give you the power of flight?
#22 Hint: One of this game's modes could use one-hit wonder band Len's song as its theme (you're allowed to Google Len...)
#21 Hint: Auctions are evil and ruin games, thankfully they are now a thing of the past

#21 is Diablo 3? #23 kinda rings a bell, but I couldn't tell you why...

Hint for the #20: Sequel from a successful Sony franchise. If you've seen and heard the intro cutscene, you'd see why it's my favorite game.

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40. - Uncharted

My top Naughty Dog game. Honestly I was expecting this to be just another rating-inflated exclusive, and I wasn't a huge fan of Uncharted 1, but Uncharted 2 was just amazing. The story did get corny near the end, but the pacing, the action sequences, and the humor were just great. Fun game to play, and I still have to play the 3rd.

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artur-fernand said:
TruckOSaurus said:
I'm almost caught up! Let's leave hints for my other games:

#23 Hint: Who knew vegetation could give you the power of flight?
#22 Hint: One of this game's modes could use one-hit wonder band Len's song as its theme (you're allowed to Google Len...)
#21 Hint: Auctions are evil and ruin games, thankfully they are now a thing of the past

#21 is Diablo 3? #23 kinda rings a bell, but I couldn't tell you why...

Yep! I dance on the grave of the aunction house!

Signature goes here!

22. Pokemon X/Y
3DS (2013)
Game Freak

I love sprite based graphics. I really do. They've been part of some of my favorite games of all time, with the Pokemon franchise being part of that. However, after playing Pokemon X/Y... there's no going back. Game Freak's first mainline 3D Pokemon game gives the world of Pokemon life like I've never seen before. Each Pokemon is given so much more expression and liveliness that it really brings a freshness to these creatures not seen since their appearance in 1998. Not only that, but the music is incredible, and the world of Kalos is diverse, beautiful, and alive with different people and landscapes. It's been truly wonderful to play through this game. 200 hours are under my belt, and it feels like I'm just getting started, thanks to the best use of online connectivity yet. The world of Pokemon has been given a tranfusion thanks to its big step into the third dimension, but it's a great game because of its fantastic adventure and pitch perfect gameplay. Also, Yveltal > Xerneas!

21. Banjo-Kazooie
Nintendo 64 (1998)
Rare Ltd.

In the days of the PlayStation and Nintendo 64, developers finally had the technology to create their games in a 3D world. And because of that, many wanted to shed the more linear way of creating game worlds and see just how far they could push the boundaries. 3D Platformers were born, with characters like Mario, Spyro, and Banjo leading the way. But we're here to talk about Banjo-Kazooie, and talk about them we shall! Looking back at games like Banjo-Tooie and Donkey Kong 64 makes me appreciate the original BK even more. It's the perfect mix of open world platforming and restrained, focused level design. It offers the correct amount of collectables and how they interact with the world that Banjo-Kazooie find themselves in. It offers an interesting, interactive hub worlds while introducing us to a diverse group of worlds to explore. Even replaying it years later shows what a well put together and plain ol' fun game Banjo-Kazooie is (annoying 5th gen camera controls notwithstanding). I'll always love the bear and bird duo, and wish them the best in the years going forward.

Hint for #20:

Released on the year of revolution, this game would be part of the revolution two years later.