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Forums - Gaming Discussion - AC Unity has major framerate issues

That's true parity right here.

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That looks awful. I would much rather have half the NPCs and avoid the pop in and texture and shadow pop in. Rather than being impressed by the thousands of people on screen all I see is how bad it looks.

I remember the first and second Assassin's Creed blowing me away visually. This doesn't even register.

Mystro-Sama said:
What the fuck is going on with Ubi this gen?...

They´ve become 'the new EA'.

JGarret said:
Mystro-Sama said:
What the fuck is going on with Ubi this gen?...

They´ve become 'the new EA'.

I think it's even worse then EA on last generations, despite the bad name they had,  EA never failed deliver the games such Mass Effect and Dragon Age for the console.

And this is why I'm getting the PC version, it isn't the most optimized game there either but at least it beats 900p20

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine

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Mummelmann said:
Why am I not surprised? Since the early Rayman days; I have yet to play a Ubi title that didn't have framerate issues, this goes double for the AC series. Deus Ex: Human Revolution actually ran pretty well, come to think of it, it seems that Ubi just aren't able to produce an open world setting without getting major stutters and tear, which is downright comical when you view it in context with the ridiculous system req's on PC for AC: Unity.

AC4 on PS4 is a rock solid 30fps at 1080p + SMAA 2TX

Here we have 900p at ~20fps + vaseline AA

Kresnik said:
They're using every ounce of the PS4 & XB1, so 20 FPS with visuals equal to Unity is the best we're going to get this gen.

Oh well!

That's a misnomer.  Any AAA game out there actually uses 100% of the resources, that's easy as shit to do.  The hard part is actually optimizing your code and making it run efficiently.   Uncharted 1 used 100% of the power of the PS3, so did 2, and 3...the only difference was they refined the engine greatly, found new tricks et al, over time.

Ubisoft is just sucks.

adriane23 said:
I was watching an early live stream of it on Sunday and the framerate was pretty bad. The accidentally jumping to your death or on a fence/ledge/fruit stand hasn't improved much either. I do like that it's very stealth intensive, but the enemy AI is still laughable. This will be the first AC game I won't buy on day 1.

Too many commands for one single button is also an annoyance that is probably still there. I remember so many missions, sneaking behind someone to plant a letter on them or pickpocket something, and then as you walk up to them; your character suddenly bends over to feed a pig that was standing next to them because the command is the same. Or how about freerunning assigned to one button only, causing you to climb and jump on every single piece of plank, crate or rubble everywhere when you're chasing someone on the ground, or being chased. Ah, good times!

I agree on the AI as well, it is high time someone made improved AI a priority, not much has happened in about a decade or so and this is a massive killer of immersion in most games; an open world inhabited by a horde of baboons gets old real quick.

Well XB1 users should be accustomed to it anyway, given how they keep saying their machine can "run" Ryse, DR3,  Sniper helite and a few other titles...

On the PS4, we don't have many games that are so very cinematic that they should not have passed QA so far :-/

Mummelmann said:
adriane23 said:
I was watching an early live stream of it on Sunday and the framerate was pretty bad. The accidentally jumping to your death or on a fence/ledge/fruit stand hasn't improved much either. I do like that it's very stealth intensive, but the enemy AI is still laughable. This will be the first AC game I won't buy on day 1.

Too many commands for one single button is also an annoyance that is probably still there. I remember so many missions, sneaking behind someone to plant a letter on them or pickpocket something, and then as you walk up to them; your character suddenly bends over to feed a pig that was standing next to them because the command is the same. Or how about freerunning assigned to one button only, causing you to climb and jump on every single piece of plank, crate or rubble everywhere when you're chasing someone on the ground, or being chased. Ah, good times!

I agree on the AI as well, it is high time someone made improved AI a priority, not much has happened in about a decade or so and this is a massive killer of immersion in most games; an open world inhabited by a horde of baboons gets old real quick.

You should try Arma and Stalker at max difficulty.