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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why Playstation separating from Sony is necessarily a good thing.

Absolutley right. Playstation needs Sony, and Sony needs Playstation. If playstation lost the support of Sony Music, Sony Pictures, and Sony Network Entertainment it would crumble. Things have changed, and Sony is a much better company now than they were 5 years ago. They still have not reached a perfect harmony between divisions, but they are all working together much better now.

Much of the software in the PS4 OS comes from other divisions outside of SCEI, and if Playstation is to continue to succeed, it is going to have to rely on close colaberation with all of Sony's other divisions. In reality, a very small percentage of people only use these devices for gaming. Most people are using them for Blu-ray, video streaming, music, ect. Don't let the sales of the current generation fool you. If Playstation falls behind Microsoft in overall usablilty that lead will disappear, and turn in to major trouble real fast. Microsofts plans to unify windows next year should have all of Sony shaking. They need to pull their Tablets, TV's, Phones, and Playstation toghether in a harmoniuos fashion asap, or it is game over for the whole lot (Playstation, Bravia, Xperia, and Sony).

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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mine said:

Microsoft and Sony knew this when they decided to go the "cheap" route. This generation offers the least amount of power for the money compared to the PCs when launched. And both are not that heavily subsidized as the lifespan is expected to be much shorter then the previous generation one...

What? You are hardly suggesting that you could build a PC that would be comparable to the PS4/X1 hardware and capabilitys with the same price as either system? Keeping in mind that both consoles comes with everything needed to game bar a screen (controller, hdmi, power cables, operating system licence)

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

etking said:
All the money made by Playstation is currently lost by the other Sony divisions, Playstation would have much more financial resources to invest in games and players when being a single, independent company.

But the shrinking Japanese market with less children being born and a steadily decreasing population will force them to merge with Nintendo anyway, since there is no space for two console makers in the Japanese market.


In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

etking said:
All the money made by Playstation is currently lost by the other Sony divisions, Playstation would have much more financial resources to invest in games and players when being a single, independent company.

But the shrinking Japanese market with less children being born and a steadily decreasing population will force them to merge with Nintendo anyway, since there is no space for two console makers in the Japanese market.

Errr, no. Just one division; the mobile division. All other Sony divisions turned a decent profit last quarter.

If they separate, will the PS5 be called "The Playstation 5" instead of "The Sony Playstation 5". Or will it somehow keep the name?
Stupid question ik.

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ganoncrotch said:
mine said:

Microsoft and Sony knew this when they decided to go the "cheap" route. This generation offers the least amount of power for the money compared to the PCs when launched. And both are not that heavily subsidized as the lifespan is expected to be much shorter then the previous generation one...

What? You are hardly suggesting that you could build a PC that would be comparable to the PS4/X1 hardware and capabilitys with the same price as either system? Keeping in mind that both consoles comes with everything needed to game bar a screen (controller, hdmi, power cables, operating system licence)

What he is saying is that when the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 launched, it was equivalent to a high-end PC. (They still weren't equivalent to an Enthusiast level machine however, they're in an entirely different league.)

The Playstation 4 and Xbox One however are only equivalent to a 3 year old mid-range PC.

That's the difference between last generation and this generation , compared to a high-end PC, that is what he is saying.
Nothing at all about costs directly.
But if you wan't to get into about costs... If you like to buy allot of games and play tons of multiplayer, then over time a PC is going to be cheaper.

I also have to agree with this thread that keeping the Playstation as part of the Sony brand is a "good" thing as then the Playstation can leverage other segments of the Sony business, such as movies and music for the platform.
Consoles have long past evolved from being merely only "gaming" machines, but rather multimedia hubs, complete with Music, Movies, Social Media and Cats.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

It means that Sony , if in thier final hours, won't drag PS down.

And PS will need to use it's own money, which is growing.