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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One Call of Duty Bundle Top Selling Console SKU on

There will always be a boost, the question is after 3-5 days does it drop back down, which is what we've seen previously... but as we are starting to go into the xmas period it may just continue to do well.

So we should get a better idea over the next week.

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As I said many times before. Xbox One should have launched at a cheaper price then PS4.

sully1311 said:

That price drop is really making a difference and Sony will need to react. 

It's the hourly charts. Of course a price drop is going to give a big boost. Let's see how long it stays in the top 20. Maybe it'll stay there until launch, maybe it'll drop back down quickly. We'll see.   

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

It was between the Sunset Overdrive Bundle and this one. I decided to go with this one due to the larger harddrive and I quite like the look of it. And I'm very happy that it will drop 50$ come November 2nd.

Microsoft made some very poor decisions early on, like Sony did with the PS3. Guess we'll find out if Microsoft can rebound from the mistakes of 2013.

PS4 won't recover from this hourly position. All of this is making me nervous!

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The most interesting thing is that the PS4 isn't falling. So, as others have pointed out, you have to see how long it maintains a certain spot. And over the course of a month. See if the Bundle stays in the top 20 or if it falls fast.

Personally I think sony shouldn't do anything. If with all this the XB1 manages to outsell the PS4 by 50k-100k in november and december it will mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. PS4 will still handily outsell the XB1 by at least 2:1 during that period thanks to everywhere else outside NA.

Sony in anyway price/deal matching the XB1 would really just be overkill.

It will be really messed up though if after all this the PS4 still takes november and december NPDs.

Ninsect said:
Eh, Sony doesn't need to react until XB1 starts staying ahead of PS4. This could be a temporary boost for all we know

This is only because of the price adjustment.Every time something goes on sale or is adjusted it makes it into the top 10,as seen with the Titabfall bundle,the Madden bundle and Forza H2.People are jumping ahead of themselves when it means nothing.We all saw how the actual sales turned out.People are setting themselves up for a disappointment again.

CosmicSex said:
The most interesting thing is that the PS4 isn't falling. So, as others have pointed out, you have to see how long it maintains a certain spot. And over the course of a month. See if the Bundle stays in the top 20 or if it falls fast.

PS4 is already on the rise again.Snset bundle nowhere in sight lol.

Making this $350 deal a promotion (As opposed to a price drop) Is going to really cause sales to spike, as people will want to grab consoles before the price goes back up.

If prices do indeed go back up to $400 next year, I think the Xbox One's sales take a nosedive, and will probably fall behind 2014 YTD.

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

-Samuel Clemens