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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Analyst: "Microsoft should make a handheld."

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So... M$ only need to create the illusion of a handheld and gather all these developers to create games. But when these games are not released on the M$ handheld they MUST instead be for the Xbone. AND doing so will generate greater interest in their home console......?

*slow clap*

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
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But what about Windows Phone?

Sebastian Kramer usually knows his stuff. M$ portable, it is!

RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:
Well, who can argue against Sebastian Kramer and NTH! I completely agree with him ;) making a handheld in this day and age can only benefit MS!

Isn't this an old article though? I seem to recall that I've read it before...

Maybe you are thinking of this one:

I have no idea,maybe=)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Hmm is this Kramer guy kowen?

Quite possibly the dumbest thing I have heard one of these "analysts" say.

I don't agree to much of anything that was written. Hogwash. Microsoft does not need to enter the portable market. Any resources for a portable would be better spend on WP.

"This is certainly some food for thought. Have we been manipulated by Sony all along? What do you think, dear readers?"

Yes. I do. But not because of the silly handheld nonsense they are describing. Their best move was being second on the stage during E3 last year. That way they could just counter Microsoft's moves. I grew up with Sony. Loved their products. Until they started breaking. Their quality control in electronics left me wanting something else. Playstation brand aside, sony is a shell of what they used to be. They are lucky they have scored it big with PS4 so they better start releasing some games.

I think a handheld device is the last thing Microsoft should do. They already have a handful with the Xbox One, and they should solely focus on make it appealable to the consumers. A handheld wouldn't be a good idea, period.

Gamers don't think Sony are doing an "amazing job" though. Maybe a minority, but most think their 2014 1st party offerings have been somewhat mediocre (something many of us suspected would be the case, given how many titles they released in 2013).

The Vita's existence doesn't help them, in-fact it probably hurts them more than anything (looking at the constant stream of criticism they get about it, and rightly so). Nor would it help MS, whose 1st party have oddly enough released even less titles this year than Sony, despite an almost silent 2013.