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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil 4 Vs The Last of Us.

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Which was better?

The Last of Us. 309 53.55%
Resident Evil 4. 268 46.45%
XanderXT said:

Which were scarier? Ganado or Cordyceps?

The real scariness in RE4 are the Garradors and Regenerators. Nothing in TLOU approaches that level of terror.

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kupomogli said:

Not going to talk about The Last of Us because no contest it's better. I'll give my opinion on Resident Evil 4 and some other sixth gen games that didn't fare as well..

Resident Evil 4 is pretty meh. Despite limitations in its gameplay it's not as bad as Resident Evil 6, but Resident Evil 4 is a pretty crappy third person shooter.

Resident Evil 4 has AI that will run up to you and then pause for long periods of time before attacking along with what feels like an infinite amount of ammo at the players disposal, especially if you take shooting enemies in the kneecap or the head then doing a melee attack on them to launch them into another dimension into consideration. Resident Evil 5 is the same gameplay with a more limited supply of inventory, smarter AI and is so much better, and it's a decent third person shooter, but far and away one of the best games ever made.

Now maybe I'm giving it away saying I'm a Final Fantasy fan, but one game that, while has an absolute shitfest worth of a story, is a well developed and really good third person shooter that didn't deserve the hate it got. I bashed the game and never purchased it until after I played it at a friends house and it was a lot better than I thought it'd be. That game is of course, Dirge of Cerberus.

Dirge of Cerberus FF7 was panned by Final Fantasy fans like myself because it wasn't your average Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy has always been known to have a unique combat system for each game, but this was a massive departure. Even Chrystal Chronicles was similar in style because as an adventure game, it's slightly similar to the mana games. This was one no one ever expected to come from Squaresoft.

Dirge of Cerberus is one of the most fluid third person shooters I've played whether it's moving around in all directions while shooting, moving around and aiming, etc. The targeting reticule moves smoothly around the screen, and since the average Final Fantasy fan at the time may not have been proficient in shooters, there's an easier system available at default that increases the size of the reticule by 5-10. You can actually reduce the size to the reticule to what's an average size for shooters.

Dirge of Cerberus is a newer game than Resident Evil 4, but unlike Resident Evil 4 which you had to go into the menu to switch your weapon, Dirge of Cerberus had one weapon you could customize in several ways and able to quick swap between your three current customizations. Didn't like one of your three customizations or maybe you need something more specific that isn't one of your main customizations? Switch it up any time you like. You can quick swap, use equipped materia, and use an item without having to enter your menu. Not very revolutionary, but revolutionary compared to Resident Evil 4's limitations.

Then there's two great Resident Evil games that were ignored because Capcom wanted to push online connectivity and the PS2's HDD The Resident Evil Outbreak series were actual good games and the progression that you assumed the Resident Evil series would take and not have Capcom milking the hell out of the Resident Evil 4 formula.

Outbreak was a group of survivors and gameplay was based off classic Resident Evil gameplay. Survival. Zombies didn't stay in a single location, they roamed around the area. In some stages, the zombies would actually continue to spawn endlessly. You could use guns lying around, but trying something new, players could pick up and use melee weapons that had a certain amount of uses and would break. The eight survivors that you could play as had different skills so each one would benefit more than another in different ways.

The Outbreak series was a series was just before its time. If this series came out after the launch of the PS3 and 360, or maybe launched on the Xbox instead of the PS2, the games may have sold well and we'd see a true evolution in the franchise instead of the de evolution that Resident Evil 4 brought us.

Resident Evil 4. Such a meh game that everyone loves for some reason.  The beginning of the end for the Resident Evil franchise is what it was.

I couldn't agree more ... 

curl-6 said:
XanderXT said:

Which were scarier? Ganado or Cordyceps?

The real scariness in RE4 are the Garradors and Regenerators. Nothing in TLOU approaches that level of terror.

Nothing was scary in RE4, while stealthing and the clickers, appearance and sound of the Clickers in TLOU were fucking terrifying.

bubblegamer said:

Nothing was scary in RE4, while stealthing and the clickers, appearance and sound of the Clickers in TLOU were fucking terrifying.

Neither games were scary ... 

bubblegamer said:
curl-6 said:
XanderXT said:

Which were scarier? Ganado or Cordyceps?

The real scariness in RE4 are the Garradors and Regenerators. Nothing in TLOU approaches that level of terror.

Nothing was scary in RE4, while stealthing and the clickers, appearance and sound of the Clickers in TLOU were fucking terrifying.

Regenerators scared me waaay more than the clickers. Their palsied walk, rasping breathing, slow but inexorable advance while you're in narrow spaces with nowhere to escape to, that bone chilling music. The clickers didn't have the same menace.

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XanderXT said:

Huh. People, reply to my questions of fights! Also, which was scarier for you, the Ganado or Coryceps?

I didn't answer that one because I don't know what a "Corycep" is even though I beat the game. I'll look it up and get back to you

I'm gonna go with The Last of Us. Gameplay wise, Last of Us has Re4 beat. But only because of the variety that Resident Evil 4 didn't quite have. What puts Last of Us over RE4 has to be the level of immersion. You lived that world, every nuance, every house, everything. Resident Evil 4 didn't really have that. While the island was very well connected, you more or less played through it. You didn't really have to breath it in because of the pacing. The story was far more complex as well. Resident Evil 4's story was simple in comparison (Was very entertaining though). I guess to sum it up, Resident Evil 4 is a fantastic game (I personally don't believe it aged as well). It's also that, a game. The Last of Us is just so much more.

Clickers by far are more scary. They made The Last of Us very intense and I didn't have that tension until the lab with the regenerators.

curl-6 said:

Regenerators scared me waaay more than the clickers. Their palsied walk, rasping breathing, slow but inexorable advance while you're in narrow spaces with nowhere to escape to, that bone chilling music. The clickers didn't have the same menace.

The whole setting in RE4 is more cartoonish compared to TLOU so the scares were never on the level of TLOU or games like Silent Hill for example. The clickers and the Bloaters as well were a presence to be reckoned with. That only got hightened by going to higher levels. Also RE4 had so much ammo you couldn't die as easily.

*Sound Of Rain said:
XanderXT said:

Huh. People, reply to my questions of fights! Also, which was scarier for you, the Ganado or Coryceps?

I didn't answer that one because I don't know what a "Corycep" is even though I beat the game. I'll look it up and get back to you

He hasn't played the game it seems. It's a Cordycep. They are the fungus infecting everyone.

kupomogli said:

Resident Evil 4. Such a meh game that everyone loves for some reason.  The beginning of the end for the Resident Evil franchise is what it was.

This is completely true for me