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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Hyrule Warriors Might Have A Chance to Become the Best Selling DW Game in the US! (If Not Top 3 of the Series)

Pavolink said:

Agreed. Modnation Racers, PSASBR and LBP has not sell similar to NSMB, Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.

And what did you learn from comparing a Zelda Musou game (first ever in the franchise) with Link's Corssbow Training (an on-rails shooter similar to RE Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles) and a real Zelda game?

I'm glad you agree with my point, though it's odd that you acted like you disagreed at first.

What do you mean?  I've made no comparions posts.  I have no idea what any of those games sold first week/month in the west.

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But its not a Dynasty Warriors game.....its' just that "style" of game from the same developers.
Hyrule Warriors is in no way tied to the Dynasty Warriors universe. Or is it?

...well this thread is silly. Just because we are making comparisons, doesn't me we are asserting they are the same. We compare things infinitely less related than HW/DW every day on this site, so why is this becoming such a big point of contention?

HW is a Warriors game
HW was helped in the West by the LoZ franchise

As long as we keep both of those things in mind, we should be allowed to make comparisons. I don't think anyone is saying that HW is selling well solely because it is on the Wii U and the software on the Wii U sells like hotcakes, so why does it seem people are trying to set up counter arguments for that point?

ex. "It is thanks to Zelda, if it were just a Dynasty Warriors game on Wii U, it wouldn't be doing those numbers"

iTechHeads said:
But its not a Dynasty Warriors game.....its' just that "style" of game from the same developers.
Hyrule Warriors is in no way tied to the Dynasty Warriors universe. Or is it?

99% of the game is DW. Only difference between this and others in the series is the characters is from the Zelda Universe instead :)

pokoko said:
Pavolink said:

Agreed. Modnation Racers, PSASBR and LBP has not sell similar to NSMB, Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.

And what did you learn from comparing a Zelda Musou game (first ever in the franchise) with Link's Corssbow Training (an on-rails shooter similar to RE Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles) and a real Zelda game?

I'm glad you agree with my point, though it's odd that you acted like you disagreed at first.

What do you mean?  I've made no comparions posts.  I have no idea what any of those games sold first week/month in the west.

"You're telling me that most of the people who bought Hyrule Warriors bought it because it's a Warriors game?  I'm guessing that most of the 5 million people who bought Link's Crossbow Training just really liked crossbows, too?"

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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Pavolink said:

"You're telling me that most of the people who bought Hyrule Warriors bought it because it's a Warriors game?  I'm guessing that most of the 5 million people who bought Link's Crossbow Training just really liked crossbows, too?"

" I have no idea what any of those games sold first week/month in the west."

pokoko said:
Pavolink said:

"You're telling me that most of the people who bought Hyrule Warriors bought it because it's a Warriors game?  I'm guessing that most of the 5 million people who bought Link's Crossbow Training just really liked crossbows, too?"

" I have no idea what any of those games sold first week/month in the west."

Clearly, you also don't have any idea why HW should be compared to a Zelda game rather than DW.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

RolStoppable said:
Do we have any data from NPD or Koei to verify that Dynasty Warriors 3 and 4 are indeed the bestselling games in the series?

Not that i saw, just this...

Hyrule Warriors - 190,000 (8 days) WiiU

Dynasty Warriors 5 - 150,000 (4 months) PS2

Dynasty Warriors 6 - 220,000 (10 months) PS3/360

Dynasty Warriors 7 - 220,000 (9 months) PS3/360

Numbers taken from NPD and Koei.

That gives HW a lock for 3rd highest in the Musou franchise in the west. All #s we have are vgc.

Just in case some of you were wondering playing Hyrule Warriors using the Bayonetta 2 control scheme doesn't work too well lmfao

Was playing the Bayonetta 2 demo last night then immediately jumped into Hyrule Warriors afterwards...and my brain cells were still in Bayonetta 2 Mode. Needless to say it didn't end well lololol

padib said:

@bold. Why? That's the whole point of the charts: to get figures and compare them and make observations about what sells and why.

This thread is really depressing. Have we come to the point where every comparison is so offensive that one can't be made?

It's getting really annoying.

I think people compare & rank things too much in general. For example, the old DW games were on the PS2 with a huge userbase. HW is on the Wii U. It has the advantage of being Zelda and the disadvantage of a small userbase. Either way, the comparison doesn't need to be made. If it sells well, it sells well. It doesn't have to be top dog to be successful. Same thing with trying to say what your favorite game is. Just play and enjoy them, they don't need to be ranked. I'm at fault for this too though, I recently made a favorite Nintendo game thread

All I'm saying is, arguments don't need to be made over what can & can't be compared because it's not that serious, especially considering things don't need to be compared to begin with.