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padib said:

@bold. Why? That's the whole point of the charts: to get figures and compare them and make observations about what sells and why.

This thread is really depressing. Have we come to the point where every comparison is so offensive that one can't be made?

It's getting really annoying.

I think people compare & rank things too much in general. For example, the old DW games were on the PS2 with a huge userbase. HW is on the Wii U. It has the advantage of being Zelda and the disadvantage of a small userbase. Either way, the comparison doesn't need to be made. If it sells well, it sells well. It doesn't have to be top dog to be successful. Same thing with trying to say what your favorite game is. Just play and enjoy them, they don't need to be ranked. I'm at fault for this too though, I recently made a favorite Nintendo game thread

All I'm saying is, arguments don't need to be made over what can & can't be compared because it's not that serious, especially considering things don't need to be compared to begin with.