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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1080p 60fps is far from impossible

xl-klaudkil said:
Angelv577 said:
xl-klaudkil said:
Angelv577 said:
IMO ps4 can do 1080p 60fps but only if the games have ps3/360 textures. If you want games with graphics not possible on ps3/360, then it's not possible at 1080p 60 fps, maybe 1080p 30 fps

Infamous second sons says hi.

If I'm not mistaken, the game runs at 30 fps.

its 60fps  but you can also lock it at 30

Well, not really. inFamous Second Son runs usually at 40fps while infamous First Light is more around 45-48. So with a bit of extra development I guess 60 fps would be possible but the First Light framerate is totally fine for me with even better graphics than Second Son. 

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MikeRox said:

It was a chore with such a chugging frame rate in 1998. In 2014 the game is nigh on unplayable. Thank god for the 3DS remaster.

CRT helped a lot to hide framerate issues... digital TVs like PLASMA, LCD, etc are more sensitives at low framerates... well you can say these TVs shows the real framerate.

There's a vast difference between 1080p with low fidelity and 1080p with high fidelity. It seems that a large portion of developers are aiming for the high fidelity 1080p or sub 1080p range. If they want 1080p 60fps on these low spec consoles then they need to be either the best developers in the world, or they have to turn down the notches on the fidelity. That or they could develop on PCs.

Angelv577 said:
xl-klaudkil said:

its 60fps  but you can also lock it at 30

ah well, then it's possible with good optimization.

Infamous is unlocked to 60fps, but it very rarely ever hits a smooth 60fps (it averages around 45fps I think, but this doensn't match with TV refresh rates meaning it doesn't run smoothly). The reason you can lock it to 30fps is because unstable unlocked frame rates lead to a juddery unpredictable performance (making aiming etc less accurate/the game less controllable) this is the reason they patched a 30fps lock in for people who want a more stable experience.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

ethomaz said:

MikeRox said:

It was a chore with such a chugging frame rate in 1998. In 2014 the game is nigh on unplayable. Thank god for the 3DS remaster.

CRT helped a lot to hide framerate issues... digital TVs like PLASMA, LCD, etc are more sensitives at low framerates... well you can say these TVs shows the real framerate.

Yeah I'd agree they definitely helped with the resolution. But I was still able to clearly tell the frame rate differences, particularly on Dreamcast which had a lot of 60fps titles. A good example I always give people to see if they can tell the difference is Ridge Racer on PS1 and the Ridge Racer Hi Spec Demo which Namco bundled in with Ridge Racer Type 4. The launch title was 30fps, the Hi Spec demo was the same game at 60fps on PS1.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

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One things for certain. We need a Wip3out on the PS4.

michael_stutzer said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

This will play any new "next gen game" on ultra at 1080p at a solid 60 fps (v-snyc off and you're hitting 90 fps +). 1080p 60 fps has been achievable for years now, however the console makers just like to come up with excuses for selling old hardware at a premium price.

Game consoles having premium prices is news to me, you should tell that to the companies that are losing money on the hardware. 400$ is not premium.

For how old the hardware is - it is a premium price.

MikeRox said:

Yeah I'd agree they definitely helped with the resolution. But I was still able to clearly tell the frame rate differences, particularly on Dreamcast which had a lot of 60fps titles. A good example I always give people to see if they can tell the difference is Ridge Racer on PS1 and the Ridge Racer Hi Spec Demo which Namco bundled in with Ridge Racer Type 4. The launch title was 30fps, the Hi Spec demo was the same game at 60fps on PS1.

Yeap... that why I said helped and not fixed... the framerate is bad but it looks worst in LCDs than CRT... and CRT helped with anti-aliasing (resolution) too.

ethomaz said:

 Yeap... that why I said helped and not fixed... the framerate is bad but it looks worst in LCDs than CRT... and CRT helped with anti-aliasing (resolution) too.


LCD is just an awful technology for gaming in general. I'm so gutted the decent Plasma manufacturers had to drop it. But yeah, interlace was a godsend for older games. :)

All rests on OLED now and it's not looking too promising, though at least LG have a consumer display on the market.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

MikeRox said:

LCD is just an awful technology for gaming in general. I'm so gutted the decent Plasma manufacturers had to drop it. But yeah, interlace was a godsend for older games. :)

All rests on OLED now and it's not looking too promising, though at least LG have a consumer display on the market.

I have a PLASMA actually... so I understand you feel between these two techs.

LCD is good until you play with PLASMA lol