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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft CEO Apologizes for Controversial Comments About Women

I am curious how many people here have actually asked their boss for a raise and gotten one?

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Although I see nothing wrong with what he said common sense should have played a part and he should not have said it.

The fact that he apologised confirms this. You don't apologise unless you believe you have done something wrong.
Those in the MS church will defend him till the cows come home but an apology is an admittance of guilt.

He obviously can't talk his way out of it so he apologised. In others words "I was wrong to say it". Case closed.

justinian said:
Although I see nothing wrong with what he said common sense should have played a part and he should not have said it.

The fact that he apologised confirms this. You don't apologise unless you believe you have done something wrong.
Those in the MS church will defend him till the cows come home but an apology is an admittance of guilt.

He obviously can't talk his way out of it so he apologised. In others words "I was wrong to say it". Case closed.

He apologized to stop the bitching

DM235 said:
I am curious how many people here have actually asked their boss for a raise and gotten one?

If you look at my first post then you will see the best way in asking for a raise (especially if you work for a shit company).  Find another job that pays more then go to current employer and ask them to match the offer from new job you were accepted at.  If they don't give you raise then leave for higher paying job.

sethnintendo said:
DM235 said:
I am curious how many people here have actually asked their boss for a raise and gotten one?

If you look at my first post then you will see the best way in asking for a raise (especially if you work for a shit company).  Find another job that pays more then go to current employer and ask them to match the offer from new job you were accepted at.  If they don't give you raise then leave for higher paying job.

Yep, that's how you traditionally do it.

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jlmurph2 said:
justinian said:
Although I see nothing wrong with what he said common sense should have played a part and he should not have said it.

The fact that he apologised confirms this. You don't apologise unless you believe you have done something wrong.
Those in the MS church will defend him till the cows come home but an apology is an admittance of guilt.

He obviously can't talk his way out of it so he apologised. In others words "I was wrong to say it". Case closed.

He apologized to stop the bitching

Yeah, I know but that's a bit weak. I would have respected him more if he tried to explain what he meant (which I think maybe was not bad intent) rather than make a 100% u turn.

I am sure he doesn't care if I respect him or not but the fact that he didn't even try to defend himself but humbly apologised is even worst. He will always be the guy who apologised for remarks made to women.

But, that's just my two cents. Who cares? I have my own life to worry about.

justinian said:
jlmurph2 said:
justinian said:
Although I see nothing wrong with what he said common sense should have played a part and he should not have said it.

The fact that he apologised confirms this. You don't apologise unless you believe you have done something wrong.
Those in the MS church will defend him till the cows come home but an apology is an admittance of guilt.

He obviously can't talk his way out of it so he apologised. In others words "I was wrong to say it". Case closed.

He apologized to stop the bitching

Yeah, I know but that's a bit weak. I would have respected him more if he tried to explain what he meant (which I think maybe was not bad intent) rather than make a 100% u turn.

I am sure he doesn't care if I respect him or not but the fact that he didn't even try to defend himself but humbly apologised is even worst. He will always be the guy who apologised for remarks made to women.

But, that's just my two cents. Who cares? I have my own life to worry about.

There is nothing to defend. The comments were dumb. Whether you think they were offensive or not... they were just dumb. Anyone (man or women) who doesn't demand their worth is an idiot. The only thing you will get from being a good little soldier is stuck in the same position for years. I agree with the previous poster who said the best way to go about that is to find another job first but sitting around waiting for "good karma" is incredibly stupid.

The eternal struggle between employee and employer is for the employer to pay you the least amount possible for the greatest yield. That is just basic capitalism. There may be some exceptions where people are just rewarded but those are the minority and most involve nepotism. Nadella should be apologizing just for saying something that idiotic.

jlmurph2 said:
justinian said:
Although I see nothing wrong with what he said common sense should have played a part and he should not have said it.

The fact that he apologised confirms this. You don't apologise unless you believe you have done something wrong.
Those in the MS church will defend him till the cows come home but an apology is an admittance of guilt.

He obviously can't talk his way out of it so he apologised. In others words "I was wrong to say it". Case closed.

He apologized to stop the bitching

Political Correctness at its best.

justinian said:
Although I see nothing wrong with what he said common sense should have played a part and he should not have said it.

The fact that he apologised confirms this. You don't apologise unless you believe you have done something wrong.
Those in the MS church will defend him till the cows come home but an apology is an admittance of guilt.

He obviously can't talk his way out of it so he apologised. In others words "I was wrong to say it". Case closed.

I pretty much despise all things MS, minus Windows, and I agree he said nothing wrong.  It may be seen as poor advice, which it is for those who are hardwroking and have gone a few years without a promotion and/or raise, but it's definitely not offensive.  This is the work of social justice warriors making a big stink over nothing.  Either you see it our way or we will hound you until you "change" your mind and apoligize, or we will see to it you get fired or demoted.  Of course, sometimes they want you fired/demoted, even after you apologize.  It is just used as a fear tactic for those who aren't PC and/or don't agree with them. 

Of course, in true SJW fashion, there is no true discussion or debate of ideas.  They just want people to talk/think one way, even if they actually think another, just out of fear of losing their job.  No one truly changes their mind.  In fact, it just makes matters worse and splits people more.

sethnintendo said:
DM235 said:
I am curious how many people here have actually asked their boss for a raise and gotten one?

If you look at my first post then you will see the best way in asking for a raise (especially if you work for a shit company).  Find another job that pays more then go to current employer and ask them to match the offer from new job you were accepted at.  If they don't give you raise then leave for higher paying job.

At that point (especially if you work for a shit company), why wouldn't you just take the offer at the new company?  

Maybe it is just semantics, but I was taught not to ask for a raise, but to ask for a transfer or assignment to another role that pays better.  If your boss thinks you are not qualified for that new role, you ask what training is available or what experience is required to get that new role.