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Axumblade that's fair enough and on a site with such a large number of monthly views you guys really should be getting some pocket money.

Comment Edited - Conegamer

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RolStoppable said:

Kerotan said:
Axumblade that's fair enough and on a site with such a large number of monthly views you guys really should be getting some pocket money.

Comment Edited - Conegamer

Provide links to these posts, then I, the secret boss of the mod team, will explain to you why the mods acted the way they did.

I'm on mobile so it would take forever.  I'd do it for the rols otherwise 😜

Kerotan said:
Axumblade that's fair enough and on a site with such a large number of monthly views you guys really should be getting some pocket money.

Comment Edited - Conegamer

Kerotan, this is not the point of this thread. If you have a problem with a moderation then PM the mod involved or the head mod. This mod thread is not the place for you to complain about specific moderation, nor is it the place to request another ban. You've already been let off making these comments twice, and were told to stop just yesterday, and yet you are continuing here. 

You're welcome to ask questions if they adhere to the rules of the thread, but asking why one user was banned and another wasn't simply will not fly. Enough of it. If you have evidence to the contrary, then PM me or Smeags or Trucks or another mod and we'll get to the bottom of it. But Axum is right, we all have lives outside of moderation and we can't be here 24/7 to answer questions from something which is merely a voluntary position. I always try 100% to react to such posts and PM's, but not every mod will be able to do it as quickly, so a little patience is required.

My advice is to just stop with comments such as the one I've removed. They do not belong in this thread and you will be moderated for them. Ask these questions in PM's, fine. But that's not the point of this thread.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

TruckOSaurus said:



Conegamer said:snippy

Quick question. I have no idea what the hell gamersgate and who Anita Sarkeesian are (they may or may not be related??). I know some forums go insane over this topic and it's a forbidden subject. This apply here or can I make a thread asking someone to explain what it is, and more importantly why as a gamer should I care...

I have an request. Could you guys fix my user name like you guys did for Wizz (Jizz) ?

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gooch_destroyer said:
I have an request. Could you guys fix my user name like you guys did for Wizz (Jizz) ?

What would you like it changed to?

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
gooch_destroyer said:
I have an request. Could you guys fix my user name like you guys did for Wizz (Jizz) ?

What would you like it changed to?

"Gooch" is my last name so proper and add "Suplex hold" Instead of "destroyer" Maybe after the I get eliminated for the tourney.

Why was Jizz Beard's name changed all of a sudden when it was fine for over a year?

Einsam_Delphin said:
Why was Jizz Beard's name changed all of a sudden when it was fine for over a year?

Because the ability to change names was recently made avaliable (yesterday, even) and the new forum rules were introduced which prohibited said names.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Again, the name was fine for over a year. Whatever happened to "it's always been that way so no need to change it?" You're going against your own logic here, which normally would be a good thing considering that logic is massively flawed, but not when it's detrimental to the community.