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fatslob-:O said:
Shinobi-san said:

Dont see much difference between my example and what he actually said. And again he is welcome to invalidate the premise of the discussion but its the way he goes about it.

The difference is he wasn't being contentious about it in his post ... 

I'm still wondering what the issue is ...

His post was marginally on topic if you're willing to presume that he was being charitable or speaking in good faith. Between the user's history and the wording if his particular jab at the Wii U, we have no cause to presume either of those things, and therefore can only assume it was delivered with some form of ill intent behind it. Short of being mind readers, that's how we do our job.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Conegamer said:
jlmurph2 said:
How many chances are you gonna give this guy to keep making troll threads?

I mean seriously, 3 days? Every thread he makes is to stir up controversy while he sits back and watches.

5 days, actually. And I agree that it's getting somewhat ridiculous but until other mods chime in there's not a lot I can do.

If he does it again, he won't be here for long. Let's put it that way.

He is a pretty unique user. Some people view him as offering mostly unreasonable opinions in a polite manner, as he is entitled to do.

Others view it as a deliberate and highly irritating trolling campaign.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Conegamer said:
jlmurph2 said:
How many chances are you gonna give this guy to keep making troll threads?

I mean seriously, 3 days? Every thread he makes is to stir up controversy while he sits back and watches.

5 days, actually. And I agree that it's getting somewhat ridiculous but until other mods chime in there's not a lot I can do.

If he does it again, he won't be here for long. Let's put it that way.

He is a pretty unique user. Some people view him as offering mostly unreasonable opinions in a polite manner, as he is entitled to do.

Others view it as a deliberate and highly irritating trolling campaign.

Indeed. Hence why he flew under the radar for so long.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Anyone want to explain my ban. Seems axum just came in and banned whoever called out his buddy who bragged about how he messaged him on his goalpost moving BS. No one was disrespecting him, they were just pointing out his ever changing claims/complaints. I saw his agenda and could no longer take his posts serious in that thread after seeing him change his complaint after every refuted post, and get a three day ban. It doesn't look good when a user can summon a mod at will to ban anyone who doesn't cuddle up and agree with his ever-changing nonsense, so please, explain this one to me (see my only ban for reference)

Thanks jlmurph!

Ka-pi96 said:

Not really. nobody is going to get annoyed about someone thinking a game is amazing right? But just calling a game shit is going to annoy people, and let's be honest that is exactly the reason those people are taking the time to post that in the first place.

People could get annoyed about the lack of explaining what makes the game good.

I also think there is a clear difference between saying "This game is shit" and "I think this game is shit".


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Ka-pi96 said:

I don't think that's anywhere near as likely though. Those 'this game is shit' comments are usually in threads about a game generally or about something positive about it, so they just don't fit. If the thread was literally asking 'what do you think of this game' then fair enough, but in a lot of cases it's about the sales or something.

I don't think there is much of a difference between those two, certainly not enough to avoid being moderated by just adding 'I think'.

The point is that content is king.

The only difference between a contentless "shit" post vs. a contentless "good" post is that the shit post will "upset" someone. As a moderator, I think its key to look at the intent behind such a post before making any decision. This means looking closely at who posted it, the thread in general and closely at the people who are "upset" by such a remark.


KylieDog said:
Smeags said:
Wright said:

Thing is, he posted "Game is shit" as to explain why he considers the game doesn't deserve the sales. He's just not merely saying "Item A sucks".

Posting (game here) is shit/crap/sucks/etc., no matter what the context, without explaining why you think the game is shit, is grounds for moderation.

If he would have been more cordial about it, perhaps wording it like "I don't even think it's a good game. I don't think it deserves such sales" (which makes it more personal to him and not a mass negative generalization), then it wouldn't be a problem.

To remove bias, this rule needs apply in reverse.  No more "This game is amazing" posts without full explanations why, or ban.

Opinions should not be treated differently.

Question: which one is more likely to get a negative response, all else equal? "Sonic Generations rules!" or "Monster Hunter sucks dog cock!"

The ethical rules with which we assign "bannable" criteria are deontological.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

What's the problem with his name ?

Hey guys. My account was just banned because my name was inappropriate. It was ilovegirls69. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. As i said in the other thread there are members here with pics of girls that have almost no clothes on but my name is the thing that gets attention? I was told to make another acount but it sucks to start over. Especially for a silly reason.

So can that account get unbanned and i'll change my name that way? This account was created just to get an understanding and explain myself. I still can't really belive i was banned for that. I was member here for awhile now and this just happens?

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

fatslob-:O said:

What's the problem with his name ?

The name, as described in the message attached to the ban, is inappropriate.

It sends out the wrong message about these forums and the posters here. We'll be taking a sterner stance on this issue moving forward, following the recent clampdown on sigs and avatars over the summer.

See rules 5 and 6 of the forum rules, usernames cannot be hidden so they also apply.