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Shinobi-san said:

Yeah i figured you were talking about Don's comment. Which even though it was a joke, and i think everyone took as was pretty raw and could be seen as disrespectful on many levels as well as prejudice. Although i dont think there was that intention behind it. Similarly Star entertained that conversation. I feel like the post should have been moderated as it stands out from the rest. Its completely off topic and came from no where, its not like Kitlers OP brought on that post in any way lol. Again though that was only one post, Don and Star pretty much crashed the thread if you look at it, as others were perfectly fine to discuss the topic at hand.

Kitler's title was certainly provocative, but the point behind the thread was a worthy topic. 1 being to point fun at using hourly sales rankings, and two to then use that data to draw conclusions, which in context is a valid discussion topic - the loss of momentum of X1 sales from hour to hour as ridiculous as that sounds its perfectly in line with Seece's thread that he created, which as a whole went down much worse. Where multiple users were banned. In Kitlers thread no1 was banned, and if someone were to be banned it would only be Don for a distasteful off topic and random joke about a gay mod orgy.

So while i do feel that based on Seece's original thread which is relevant/irrelevant depending on which way you want to see, the exact same sentiment needs to be taken with regards to Kitler's.

But besides that i feel like a more moderate approach would have been to rename the thread and moderate Don's post. I feel like the users in the thread who actually posted within the rules and the OP who really didnt do much wrong shouldnt be punished for others wrong doings. Had there been countless posts in the thread that were off topic or against the rules then locking would be ideal, even though that didnt happen in the Seece thread. So im really looking at the consistancy here and when is it necessary to lock a thread versus many bans (which in this case wouldnt even be necessary, since only 1 post was going to be moderated).

With regards to starcraft going over the line or not - the reason why i would have and should have reported was because his comment is very similar to what many others get banned for. How often dont we see someone come into a thread and make underhanded comments towards other users suggesting they are fanboys? I mean it happens everytime Kowen, Ethomaz or even Seece makes a thread. They immediately get attacked for being bias or fanboys. Starcrafts post did the exact same thing to Kitler. Three times he made reference to "your console of choice" and twice he made reference to how much the sales increase of X1 has "gotten" to Kitler. Those are some pretty obvious implications right there. And to add to that his post was off topic and derailed the thread to the point of it being locked. Thats pretty bad for a regular user and doubly bad for a mod. Just thought id explain my reasoning there as to why i felt it was over the line.

Imo i dont think Khan should have revealed the mod history just to prove to someone what he was talking about. We should probably put in some rules as to when a mod history can be revealed or not. I feel like it should be declared either as private or public and then lets stick to it. I assume theres a good reason why its not public though, so we should probably stick with that.

Anyways thanks for reading cone. Those are my thoughts on those topics. The reasons why i post about these topics is because i care a lot about the community and its growth. Perhaps i even care more about that than actually discussing gaming. Consistancy in moderations and rule enforcement is something that we need to get right in order to be a more healthy forum, and i think its one of the easier things to get right as well. This will make it clear whats against the rules and whats not, otherwise people just think you picking sides all the time.

Hi Shinobi

I have a few things to address here, and will do so as best I can.

Firstly, my thoughts on mod history is that it should remain private without the explicit permission of the user to reveal it. However, as users in this thread routinely demand answers for moderations that occured concerning others, I can understand why a mod felt the need to share Todd's history. I might have gone a different way, but we cannot have our cake and eat it too, so I get it.

Speaking of having your cake and eating it too, that brings us to the thread, and post, you're concerned about. As you've noted, other similar threads might have been allowed to go on in recent days. If you look at my wall, Ethomaz has already asked me about that. I don't know why that is, as I think they are equally unnecessary. But as is noted in your post and in the thread, it was an anti-thread, a reactive thread. Kitler is not, in my opinion, a fanboy. But he does certainly have a console of choice. I do not think it is unreasonable to state that.

The second half of my post offers up questions. And they were genuine ones. If I feel a thread is unnecessary, as I made clear, is it not reasonable to ask what the goals of that thread are? Mods are not impervious. My inclination was to lock that thread, and I asked other mods about it. But as Cone pointed out, the other mods were busy with Nintendo Direct (which is where the permaban joke came from - like it or not you've accepted it was very obviously a joke). So, absent that, I asked Kitler what the point was. I have not heard from Kitler, and would be happy to apologize if he took offense to the joke. But clearly, we'd not joke about that with anyone who really was an imminent contender for a permaban.

As you're now aware, the thread was eventually locked because of other comments. We'd hoped to simply avoid discussing the subject, and in hindsight should have locked that gay mods thread immediately and left it at that - we created a mess for ourselves I wont deny it. But frankly more than enough users have voiced real concern that that thread was left alive, and that subsequent comments like that were made. Rightly or wrongly, threads about the success or otherwise of the Xbox One's past, present and future price drops are a dime a dozen. As such, preventing people from feeling victimised, belittled or objectified was more important.

As Cone has pointed out, it was a poor thread from the outset. But ultimately the locking wasn't about that. We weren't entirely upfront about that - but with the information we had at the time, I am sure you can see why we simply just wanted to shut it all down as quietly as possible.

As an aside - report mods if you feel its appropriate. As a matter of principle the reports are either left for other mods, or elevated to Smeags level and dismissed for him to deal with as he sees fit.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Seece said:
Shinobi, will point out this little nugger "the loss of momentum of X1 sales from hour to hour as ridiculous as that sounds its perfectly in line with Seece's thread that he created"

Difference is with my thread, I wasn't coming to any conclusions like "XB1 is destroying PS4" I simply stated the facts.

Kitler had no idea if the XB1 price cut was failing (we still have no idea how it's doing other than lifting sales) just because it was dropping on Amazon charts.

This is also true.

As has been discussed, it was a response thread, with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

How many more like this; may have slipped through out nets?
I think we need to get better at looking at comments sections, it's not exactly top PR to have comments under articles and software pages littered with nonsense and trolling.
And I hope all users who come across trolling out of the regular forums and on games and articles are kind enough to report them to us so we can put an end to it, thank you.

Mummelmann said:

How many more like this; may have slipped through out nets?
I think we need to get better at looking at comments sections, it's not exactly top PR to have comments under articles and software pages littered with nonsense and trolling.
And I hope all users who come across trolling out of the regular forums and on games and articles are kind enough to report them to us so we can put an end to it, thank you.

Indeed; articles and game pages are more difficult to moderate due to their volume. However, reporting the posts means we can take a look and make the correct decision also.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

RolStoppable said:
Carl2291 said:

You are about 9 behind.

If you keep up your 2014 form, you shall pass me by December 2015. It will be like the Wii U finally catching up to the Vita.

Don't you mean "if the mods keep up their 2014 form"? Really petty moderations this year.

The one where you get banned for calling yourself an idiot is my favourite.


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Seece said:
Shinobi, will point out this little nugger "the loss of momentum of X1 sales from hour to hour as ridiculous as that sounds its perfectly in line with Seece's thread that he created"

Difference is with my thread, I wasn't coming to any conclusions like "XB1 is destroying PS4" I simply stated the facts.

Kitler had no idea if the XB1 price cut was failing (we still have no idea how it's doing other than lifting sales) just because it was dropping on Amazon charts.

I didnt say there was no difference. But they are both based on hourly amazon sales chartz...Kitler chose to use that info to extrapolate a loss in momentum of X1 sales you chose not to come to any conclusions. Either way they are both based on the same data. The "failure" Kitler was talking about was that it was back to being 1:1 with PS4. I also said above in one of my other posts that the thread title was provacative and could have been changed. Other than that Kitler didnt break any rules with his thread and since a thread about hourly sales data was previously accepted as a worthy thread to discuss, for what purposes is irrelevant its still the same data. The lock wasnt necessary in that regard, and like Cone and Star have said that wasnt the reason for the lock.

In any case I have tried not to make this about your thread versus Kitlers, but rather about the reactions to the thread by the mods and the inconsistancy in how it was dealt with. Your thread had far worse discussion and as a result multiple people were banned. Kitlers thread was perfectly fine bar Starcrafts and Don's posts yet the entire thread was locked. Why not just moderate the posts in question (and according to Cone it was only Don's comment that was against the rules). Locking a thread for one post...especially when yours was not, thats the inconsistancy i wanted to focus on. And its this type of inconsistancy that leads to people thinking theres a bias.

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

starcraft said:
Seece said:
Shinobi, will point out this little nugger "the loss of momentum of X1 sales from hour to hour as ridiculous as that sounds its perfectly in line with Seece's thread that he created"

Difference is with my thread, I wasn't coming to any conclusions like "XB1 is destroying PS4" I simply stated the facts.

Kitler had no idea if the XB1 price cut was failing (we still have no idea how it's doing other than lifting sales) just because it was dropping on Amazon charts.

This is also true.

As has been discussed, it was a response thread, with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

Response threads are allowed if im not mistaken as long as they in their own right are not breaking any rules. Which in this case it wasnt. As i mentioned earlier this was not the reason for the lock. And yes while there was sarcasm there was definitely some discussion to be had on the topic, funnily enough there was more constructive discussion in Kitlers thread than in Seece's. I am not blaming seece for this but thats just how it went down...

So the thread progression is proof enough that the topic was valid. Unless there are other posts that the mods were not happy with but you guys have not pointed out any other posts...and i cant find any other posts or discussions that went sour. 

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Star will reply to your other post a bit later, im off to watch interstellar

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

Mummelmann said:

How many more like this; may have slipped through out nets?
I think we need to get better at looking at comments sections, it's not exactly top PR to have comments under articles and software pages littered with nonsense and trolling.
And I hope all users who come across trolling out of the regular forums and on games and articles are kind enough to report them to us so we can put an end to it, thank you.

It's a mechanical issue, as i see it.

When comments are reported, we are NOT linked to the article in question. When that happens, unless it's something way, way over the line, i just dismiss the report out of hand. I don't have time to go hunting for a needle in a haystack.

Which is a note to those who wish to report comments: Include the url in the report, or good luck getting (at least me) to act on it.

Something ioi needs to fix if folks want us to do our jobs. Can only work with the tools we've been given.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Mummelmann said:

How many more like this; may have slipped through out nets?
I think we need to get better at looking at comments sections, it's not exactly top PR to have comments under articles and software pages littered with nonsense and trolling.
And I hope all users who come across trolling out of the regular forums and on games and articles are kind enough to report them to us so we can put an end to it, thank you.

It's a mechanical issue, as i see it.

When comments are reported, we are NOT linked to the article in question. When that happens, unless it's something way, way over the line, i just dismiss the report out of hand. I don't have time to go hunting for a needle in a haystack.

Which is a note to those who wish to report comments: Include the url in the report, or good luck getting (at least me) to act on it.

Something ioi needs to fix if folks want us to do our jobs. Can only work with the tools we've been given.

Yeah, going hunting in comments sections manually is hopeless, I did a site tie search on Google to get the other comments up. There should be a simple way of viewing all commenting activity and the reports that come in from comments sections are hopelessly annoying. I have also dismissed several reports of the same nature, unwittingly letting the same user spread borderline comments on several pages. I hope we'll get a re-worked system soon!