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Fusioncode said:
RolStoppable said:

Wait a second. I have an issue with curl's moderation and you are the mod who issued it, and now you are telling me to send a PM to... you? Then again, that basically implies that you aren't interested in giving me a satisfactory answer, so I should message Kantor or Smeags right away. However, seeing that curl is banned for only five days, I might as well wait for his return because that is going to come sooner than an answer from Kantor or Smeags.

That's a pretty convenient system that you guys have set up.

Can I be a mod now?

Right, I'll have to ask Kantor or Smeags for that.





Like I said, convenient.

Kind of surprised this didn't happen last time. Were there only two spots for Nintendo fans and Viper and Cone just got ahead? 

Rol never actually applied to be a mod. Last time around he made a joke post in the mod application thread but never sent any real application. To this day, I'm still wondering if he truly wants the job.

Signature goes here!

Seece said:

I think it's a shame that a lot of threads face closure because we have some users that just act ... quite frankly stupid. Not reading the OP and coming to their own conclusions ect and just generally shitting it up. (Saying that I don't see it happen often).

I have a question tho, if a thread does ever get locked because of that, can you make another??

As Mummel referred too, the 'shooting the messenger' rule is one we've failed to enforce adequately.

Too many innocent users have paid the price for the misbehaviour of those who arrive in their threads.

I think sometimes it is because of time constraints.

An example would be where someone pro Xbox makes a thread. Maybe it doesnt deserve to be locked, but the alternative is moderating half a dozen overreacting posters, so the Mod gets lazy and locks the thread instead. We need to make a better effort to fix this.

Obviously that example can be applied to a number of scenarios.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Conegamer said:
MohammadBadir said:
Ya guys need to add some quality or else everybody'll migrate off VGC! ):
A lot of the Sony guys are on VizionEck now...

What exactly do you mean by that?

But I'm on VizionEck. That doesn't mean anything, really.

Give everybody new cars.

Ka-pi96 said:
man-bear-pig said:

I haven't really been active in the past while so I can't comment on the performance of the mod team as a whole but I think the majority of moderations in that "I swapped my PS4 for an Xbone" thread were ridiculous. People should be able to say "I think you'll regret that" or whatever without fear of moderation. I've also seen a few other questionable moderations in other threads where people have be banned or warned for saying something that I wouldn't seem remotely morderate-able. I think the mods should take a collective chill-pill before there's no-one left. I've also noticed a lack of new threads being made and the blatant absence of the sites once massive PS community as of late. Over moderation is very bad for the health of any forum.

I can kind of agree with you. I think it should really depend on the context. If they are just trying to turn that into an excuse to take jabs at Xbox like things like 'sucks for you then' or 'lol, what a terrible decision' etc, then moderation is justified. If they actually put some content and reasoning into the post like 'that may be a bad decision because...' or 'when ... releases you may wish you still had that PS4' then yeah there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.

Basically I think people should be fine saying things like that, as long as they actually provide some reasoning why they think that might be the case.

You've pretty much got it Ka-Pi; it all comes down to context. That thread had several warnings, even on the very first page, about keeping on topic and not making sly jabs. However, a post just saying "what a mistake" with nothing else is just that. You're not trying to add to discussion, you're just trying to aggrevate. And that's flaming, really.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Ka-pi96 said:

Wow! Really going for it aren't you?

Should have just started with asking for cookies for everyone and moved up from there...

The Badir doesn't do small.

I had a dream that Kantor replied to Carl's post in this thread. *laughs*

And this weekend we've been accused of being Sony biased, Nintendo biased, and Microsoft biased. Someone call us PC biased and we're set. *thumbs up*

And yikes, this thread has gone to hell quicker than I thought. *cries*

Smeags said:
I had a dream that Kantor replied to Carl's post in this thread. *laughs*

And this weekend we've been accused of being Sony biased, Nintendo biased, and Microsoft biased. Someone call us PC biased and we're set. *thumbs up*

And yikes, this thread has gone to hell quicker than I thought. *cries*

Man I don't understand this mentality, just say "next person to do this gets banned" and bam, 90% of the time people refraine, if they don't that's their own damn fault.


Smeags said:
 Someone call us PC biased and we're set. 

No but its obvious you all are in favor of Ouya.  There has been no Ouya fans banned which leads me to believe there is some kind of conspiracy going on so Ouya fans can take over VGC.  Its only a matter of time 


Seece said:

Man I don't understand this mentality, just say "next person to do this gets banned" and bam, 90% of the time people refraine, if they don't that's their own damn fault.

It's like we created a ruleset in the OP just for that. :P


You know too much. *narrows eyes*