Jay, you weren't moderated for calling anyone a troll. I'm not even sure why you're bringing it up when it's not even in your ban report. The report already gave a detailed reason for why you were banned:
Flaming (It really wasn't necessary to try and discredit daredevil.shark with references to his Twitter account. The rules are quite clear on this "13.Insults and flaming.Inciting abuse or harassment - of anyone. This includes attempting to discredit any user based on their preferences." Also taken from rule 13, point 9 "Similarly, avoid discussing the user who created the thread in a negative, insulting, or accusational fashion, rather than discussing the thread topic itself. If you feel a topic is baiting, trolling or rule-breaking, report it.". In this case you should have simply reported the post. On its own you might not think this post is moderatable but as seen here (http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=7218064) you seem to be making it a habit of getting personal while trying to skirt the lines. The mod team has discussed this and agreed that this is not acceptable. Please take more care in the future. Reach out to us if you're unsure.)
No one accused you of saying anyone was a troll, only that you tried to use outside elements to try and discredit a user instead of just easily debunking his points. That was the issue.
As for Chazore, despite the fact that he is an intelligent and supportive user that we would love to have on this site, the fact is that there is a repeated history of back seat moderating/site policing. In the past six months, he has been moderated for this sort of activity 12 times, so there is a history, there is a pattern. Again, going back to Veknoid's ban report:
Other (For this wall post: "This sounds like it was discussed from the very beginning rather than after it happened and with all these rule sections being thrown up, not even I got rule sections thrown at me...I feel Jay's ban was both planned and harsh, especially given the others that were banned have been pulling stunts for ages and weren't banned for a long while until now." I understand that you're invested in this site. I know you want to protect the community from rule-breakers and protect members from what you consider unfair moderation. But you need to understand something: you are NOT a moderator on this forum. You do not have the authority to censure forum members or moderators. If you don't like the way the mod team does things, then send the team a PM or, failing that, post a formal complaint in the mod thread (as long as it's done in a respectful way). But do not attempt to police the forums. And do not imply that the mod team searched for an excuse to justify a premeditated ban. Please refer to rule #18 for more detail: "Problems With Moderation. If you have a problem with a moderator or a moderation, send the moderator who issued your moderation a private message (Rule 11 applies to PMs as well as posts, wall posts, and any other moderator-related conversation), and if you are still dissatisfied, send a private message to the Lead Moderators. Do not post these issues in the forums, outside of moderator-sanctioned threads, or on the moderator's wall - doing so will result in moderation action against you.")
The issue was obviously him insinuating that we just somehow "planned" your ban. It's just completely untrue and to suggest such a thing comes off as groundless criticism with no chance to actually help any party involved. And so his continued site policing got him in trouble.
And Angelus... the comment had nothing to do with the topic and instead tries to shine a negative light on the thread creator. Again, our past actions help to define who we are, and Angelus has a history of making off topic comments to try and discredit those he has issues with. He's been moderated twice about the off topic shots in the past two months, so this is not a lone instance of this particular issue.
Honestly, I feel that all three bans were executed well and explained thoroughly. And one more thing:
"You may try silencing the community, but the more you push, the more it divides the community."
These sorts of over-simplifications and gross generalizations help no one. We're not "silencing the community". We're applying moderation to those whom we deem to be breaking the rules provided. So to make such a baseless accusation is just not the way to go about this.