For the most part, I love the mods, but sometimes I really don't get you guys and how you decide when something constitutes trolling or flaming. Lately, I've been really pissed with the uneven treatment of comments that express negative opinions about games. Like recently with Bayonetta 2, I could scarcely go a day without seeing some negative comment about how it's going to fail, or cheering its failure, or just generally finding joy in the misery of anyone that wanted to see it succeed. I've reported some of these posts, and often they're in a thread that several mods take part of themselves, like the COMG thread. Other times they're "will it sell a million" threads or "it should/could be ported" threads, but there's usually a comment or two like this at the very least in all these threads. And Bayo2 is just one example. I saw it with the Star Fox franchise when people were discussing the new Star Fox game, I've seen it all over the place with long running franchises like Mario, Zelda, Crash, or Halo. I've never actually seen someone banned for this.
Yet recently, in a thread about a rumored Banjo-Kazooie game, WhiteEaglePL was banned for saying that he hopes the game fails. The grounds for the ban? "Trolling Microsoft". Yet the post CLEARLY has NO MENTION of Microsoft WHATSOEVER. Here's the post. It doesn't say Microsoft, it just says he hopes "it" (the rumored game) fails. It mentions The Wonderful 101 failing as well, does that mean he's trolling Nintendo? He's not trolling any system or company, and in fact he's not even trolling Banjo-Kazooie fans. He just doesn't like the series. What's wrong with having that opinion? If someone comes into a thread about a rumored Flappy Bird sequel and says they hope it fails, are you going to ban them? Because you shouldn't, that's stupid. If you are going to ban them, are you going to say they were banned for "trolling mobile platforms"? Because that's even more stupid. If you're going to ban WhiteEagle, it's ridiculous, illogical, and unjust to ban him for "trolling Microsoft" when his post was about a game, not a company, expressed no ill will towards the people themselves who were fans of the game, and then in turn to not ban everyone who trashes Bayonetta, or Star Fox, or Mario, or Crash, or Halo, or any other game or franchise that people are constantly trash talking, wishing to fail, or relishing in the failure of.
At its root, this is a complaint about consistency, but also about justice. Bans for trolling particular games are extremely rare, and this one was particularly unjust and illogical. I can live with the fact that my reports are routinely ignored because having a negative opinion about a particular franchise and wanting to see it fail doesn't mean the person hates me, my taste, or my preferred console. But when someone is finally banned for it and the mod responsible just assumes that a simple statement of ill wishes for a game is made for the sole purpose of pissing fans of a company off and not just a reflection of the poster's distaste for the franchise, I gotta say, I'm pretty damn pissed. You ignore all sorts of shit and THIS is what you finally ban someone for? No one was insulted, no one was told their taste in games was bad, no one was in any way personally affected by this one user's opinion on Banjo-Kazooie. Yet apparently having a dissenting opinion about a game DOES in fact constitute reason for banning, and all those reports you mods ignored from me, all those other countless posts with similar negative opinions about game franchises that were overlooked by the mods even when they started arguments, that VASTLY outnumber the very few that ever see mod attention, those were all apparently flukes.