Welcome one and all to The Mod Thread!
What we want from this thread is a place where you can feel free to ask us questions, leave comments, let us know of concerns, and even throw out a compliment or two (we always love those!).
But first, we need to lay out the groundrules:
- As with all VGChartz related threads, all forum rules apply to this thread as well.
- The Big One: We are open to all kinds of critiques, feedback, and concerns, but doing so must be done in a manner that is professional, respectful, and above all else, backed up with evidence and facts. Any baseless or unsupported accusation or criticism has no potential to serve anyone and therefore can be treated as spam and/or an unfounded attack on a moderator.
- If you have/had an issue with a moderation issued to you, it is highly recommended that you either PM the moderator who issued it or PM TruckOSaurus or Smeags (The Head Mods), as this is the quickest and most efficient way to get answers. The mod team cannot speak for the individual moderator and might not be aware of the situation, history, and original report. We will do the best we can to get your questions answered, but for the most complete answer, talk to the moderator who issued out the moderation.
- In the same way, if you have an issue with a moderation issued to another user, the best, most efficient way to get a complete answer is to ask the moderator who issued said ban. Again, it is highly recommended that you PM the moderator in question for the quickest answer.
- This is not the place to ask for moderation on another user. Report said user's potentially moderatable post/thread and let the Mod team handle it from there on out.
- This is not the place to ask why your report did not result in a moderation for a user. Be respectful of the process and trust that every report is carefully examined before it is either dismissed or acted upon.
- We will try to answer each and every question as best as we can. If your question isn't answered, it's not because we're purposely ignoring you. PM a moderator(s) with the question or a link to the post so that we can answer your question as quickly as we can.
Breaking any of these rules can and will result in a moderation against you. So please be respectful of the parameters we have set in place.
Again, It's almost impossible to address vague or broad statements, so please (Please!) state your issues, concerns, or criticisms, or anything else with as much detail as possible. Name the people involved, link to posts, tell us what you would have done differently, etc. We cannot improve or address your issue if we do not know the full picture.