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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox One Closed the Gap 220k So Far This Month Homies

VXIII said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

This was a VERY disrespectful, immatrue and unncessary post that I hope you are banned for. It was uncalled for and shows a childish mentality. Personal attacks like that are not needed here. As for your point a GAMER supports good games which the XB1 has. I won't even go into anything else....

Report him and move on. He will be banned, no need for you to "hope" :p

Oh I did lol

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

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Nintendo doesn't deserve anything. None of these companies deserve anything. They get what they get and that's it> I for one predicted this sort of thing for Nintendo way back at the height of Wii's popularity. Once I saw common news casts and shows like The Today Show auctioning off Wiis I knew the fate of the console and Nintendo wouldn't be good. Why? Because when things like that start to happen the article in question becomes a fad. It happend to Furby, it happened to Pogs, etc. They were getting people who aren't really interested in video games to play video games. Once those people decide to go back to the things they really enjoyed before jumping on the fad the fad starts to fade. I had aunts, uncles, and friends who'd never played video games but owned a Wii. Fast forware 5 or 6 years later and none of them know what happened to their Wii and they're not at all interested in WiiU. I'm sure Nintendo saw this coming as much as I did.


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!

Seece said:
tak13 said:
so you are implying that wii u September game releases will do will be surprised!i did not tell you to expect something big...however at least two weeks boost from each can be given!

ReleaseS? As far as I was aware it was just Hyrule?? Or you mean Bayo in Japan. I mean if MK and Hyrule can't boost sales past 25k there, Bayo won't either. You're talking about niche games, stop acting like they will push huge amounts of hardware.

Did you forget the 2 bundles coming later this month with 2 free games each, nintendoland+MK8 and nintendoland+3dworld. I would not be suprised if thats why the wii u slowed down a little, waiting a bit to get a new bundle and nintendo trying to get out the way  of destiny. And be prepared for next week to be under 100k againg. After the bad reviews of destiny that only boosted the US, it will plumet down to sub 80k from the next week onwards(I think) while the wii u might go back to at least 60k with the new bundles, bayonetta in japans and hyrule warios in the west. You might say they are niche, but thas a lot of niche thigs happening at once that will boost sales for more than a week, unlike anything MS has or is planing to bring.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

Woops I forgot I was stupidly stating the obvious again, can somone lock this thread?

Boy I just love the Wii U and hope nintendo, one of the icons of gaming, is as successful as possible

kupomogli said:
Thinking that the Xbox One will outsell the Wii U this year is way too optimistic. Are you counting on the Xbox One selling holiday numbers and the Wii U not? The Wii U holiday numbers won't be as high as the Xbox One, but I don't think there's going to be a 1.8m gap in holiday sales.

But... Xbox One will catch up 500k this month and its not even a holiday month... So when sales get magified expect Xbox One to gain even quicker than it already is! Plus Xbox One didn't bring out it's big guns yet while the Wii U just had Mario kart (its biggest IP)

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toastboy44562 said:
I even think GTA5 Xbox One will provide a much larger boost than any game on the Wii U this year (except maybe smash)

I doubt that. Its a remake on multiple platforms, while the wii u has a bunch of exclusives coming out. You also preict the wii u to stay in 4k the rest of the month with 2 new bundles and 2 new games coming? Even if one of those comes in japan first this month, by next week we will see a 60k for the week at least while the x1 will be below 80k with the destiny hype down.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

There is little doubt that Nintendo doesn't have anything to move consoles in meaningful ways until Smash hits in november. They have been cornered and i don't see any way out of the situation they're currently in with the WiiU (including amiboo).

The popularity of sports games alone will see XBO ahead of WiiU in weekly sales until the week of Smash, and if the COD crowd choose XBO as their go to console that month, you can expect XBO to beat it even then.

Nintendo will just have to ride it out this generation and do the best they can with what they have. They cant fight off the entirety of the upcoming 3rd party onslaught. It's just simply impossible.

tak13 said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Was this ever in doubt? Oh yeah..... well, not anymore

you re back...what pokemon game on wii u will make you a wii u lover looool ?

A FULL FLEDGED Pokemon game on Wii U wiht a nice battle system, good online network for battles. ACTUAL battle animations not the same stuff they have been doing with pokemon for the past 10 years ont he handhelds lol. A decent graphic upgrade with a good story and of course LOTS of pokemon lol. A good breeding system. Yeah I have an entire dream Pokemon game on Wii U in my head lol.


I think this battle will be over very soon though! I think the XB1 will over take the Wii U by the middle of next year!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

No matter what is the reason for X1 boost, it seems now obvious X1 will outsell Wii U this holiday, except if SSB Wii U is released

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Seece said:
XB1 will easily clear 500k this month, depending on how China goes it could be much higher.

Microsoft whould be terrified if the xbox one doesn't clear 500k this month lol.