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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy 15 Trailer TGS 2014 Tetsuya Nomura steps down! UPDATE: New showcase demo!

VXIII said:
Vincoletto said:

Does anyone else fells a kind of VII vibe on that game? Can't explain why though...

Yes, it is supposed to hold feelings of nostalgia from older FF titles even though it is very different in the gameplay. the setting of the world and the huge areas reminds me of FF VII too, a mix between fantasy and modern technology.

Yep. I don't mind if it was turn based but most people nowadays prefer something more action focused. But you're right, is that feeling of fantasy + technology. But not future technology like in XIII where it was a very distant future technology. I think its a mix of nowadays technology + fantasy, like VII was in a certain way.

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VXIII said:
Vincoletto said:

I'm just curious but lazy to look for it, buthow the team of XIII and XV related? totally different teams creating the game?

Completely different teams, XIII team leader was Motomu Toriyama, It was his first main project as a leader. XV team leader was Nomura (just stpped down), the team is best known for Kingdom Hearts series. Nomura himself was one of the key people for the franchise since Final Fantasy V

Interesting, that explains a lot about XIII and why XV feels like VII and VIII to some extent

Needz moar grills. Too many dudes.

pokoko said:
I've got to say, I've never been less excited about a Final Fantasy in my life.

Nothing about an RPG following a Japanese boy band appeals to me. At all.

It appeals to me very much :')

And you have Type-0 HD so you can follow your Japanese schoolgirls anyway!!

reggin_bolas said:
Needz moar grills. Too many dudes.

Although I'm sure this isn't the full cast, story wise I'd be interested to see how a mostly male cast affect the tone of the story.

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teigaga said:
reggin_bolas said:
Needz moar grills. Too many dudes.

Although I'm sure this isn't the full cast, story wise I'd be interested to see how a mostly male cast affect the tone of the story.

LOL Xb one comes first. Lead platform confirmed

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


VXIII said:
teigaga said:
reggin_bolas said:
Needz moar grills. Too many dudes.

Although I'm sure this isn't the full cast, story wise I'd be interested to see how a mostly male cast affect the tone of the story.

Only 2 girls. But i think the black-haired is an enemy. 

bubblegamer said:
kljesta64 said:

Im not saying it will be bad but im kinda used to old fashioned FF like most fans, it just has more heart and love in it more mystery and everything..

We know what you're saying, this is not an old fashioned FF, but we knew that from the first trailer already when they said this is a fantasy based on reality. It's a new thing they're trying and one needs to be openminded not to discard anything unfamiliar right away.

thats what it meant ? lol I thought it was just to sound cool or something about the story ..

maybe they plan a trip to the moon and all those guys are astrounauts

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

i loved this trailer, the best one yet! i really hyped now!
hope they don't screw this again...