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Forums - Sales Discussion - As I suspected, XB1 has not only been outselling WiiU WW but ...


Are you surprised?

Shocked, though MK would hope up longer. 54 13.67%
No, I knew this would hap... 193 48.86%
Undecided, it was a close call. 148 37.47%
eva01beserk said:
DerNebel said:

That's not how it works, the burden of proof is on you. If you say that the X1 is overtracked on a global scale then give us indicators of that, just like we did with the Wii U. If you or amak can't do that, then you're pulling things out of your ass simple as that.

Because you showed a lot of info when debating the wii u was overtracked... Right? We have almost zero evidence of how things are going outside of japan and the US, so I have no info on that, the same way as you have no info to suport your claim. So like I said, an assuption is worth nothing, wich is way I dont give one as fact like you like to do.

He has,. Shipments. That's all we need. That and the mountain of evidence piling up as the weeks progress. See my latest two threads.


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eva01beserk said:
DerNebel said:

That's not how it works, the burden of proof is on you. If you say that the X1 is overtracked on a global scale then give us indicators of that, just like we did with the Wii U. If you or amak can't do that, then you're pulling things out of your ass simple as that.

Because you showed a lot of info when debating the wii u was overtracked... Right? We have almost zero evidence of how things are going outside of japan and the US, so I have no info on that, the same way as you have no info to suport your claim. So like I said, an assuption is worth nothing, wich is way I dont give one as fact like you like to do.

Honestly, I have. It's not my fault that you don't want to accept that which seems obvious to the majority of the forum by now (including people that've been doing this way longer than you or me)

WiiU's never really been a threat to Xbone. MK8 boost came just when Xbone was at its weakest, it created an illusion of victory. Even a small chunk of Destiny/GTAV hype is bound to lift Xbone over WiiU.

Honestly, its still up in the air, because while XB1 is doing better now, its just making up for when the Wii U was doing better during MK8's sales boost. Even if it was outselling during the beginning of year, we've more or less reached the pre July gap.

XB1 is likely to do better in the holidays because of multiplats and Xbox's performance during the holidays in the states but we have no idea how the XB1 itself performs in a real holiday, and if it doesn't beat the Wii U by a significant margin, it won't pass it till 2015.

I also don't care enough to add the numbers.

Ideally for XB1 its 40% multiplat sales (60% would go to PS4) and Halo MCC vs Nintendo's exclusives, tending XB1 cause Multiplats have a broad appeal and Halo

Realistically, for XB1 its 35% multiplats and MCC vs Nintendo's Exclusives which is pretty even imo.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Smear-Gel said:
siddhartha87 said:
Smear-Gel said:

"A huge game for them? DUH! Means nothing for the console. It's still failing!"



Well MK 8 is the U's biggest title and they have nothing like apart from SSB this year.

Madden is a yearly sports franchise, so the comparison is not correct in my opinion.

Two titles that often get high sales and bump hardware.


Plus it's not like all thier other titles will sell 0 wii u's just because they are "less big." But that's another discussion

But the Wii u s titles in Jan, March, April, June, July and August did sell close to zero and that is one of the problems among others

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Lol the denial in here is atrocious.

I don´t need more evidence than the shippment numbers.

There is no way in hell Microsoft shipped 5mi XOne back in March and couldn´t sell all of them by late August. And at the same time Nintendo shipped 6.8mi WiiU by the end of June and VGChartz claims it sold 7mi by late August.

One of those two figures are wrong.

Dark_Feanor said:
I don´t need more evidence than the shippment numbers.

There is no way in hell Microsoft shipped 5mi XOne back in March and couldn´t sell all of them by late August. And at the same time Nintendo shipped 6.8mi WiiU by the end of June and VGChartz claims it sold 7mi by late August.

One of those two figures are wrong.

The same reason sony officially announced over 10million ps4s sold on 13/aug, yet we are still at 10.1mil sold on vgchartz? 

Just take vgchartz' numbers with a grain of salt. 

Drakrami said:
Dark_Feanor said:
I don´t need more evidence than the shippment numbers.

There is no way in hell Microsoft shipped 5mi XOne back in March and couldn´t sell all of them by late August. And at the same time Nintendo shipped 6.8mi WiiU by the end of June and VGChartz claims it sold 7mi by late August.

One of those two figures are wrong.

The same reason sony officially announced over 10million ps4s sold on 13/aug, yet we are still at 10.1mil sold on vgchartz? 

Just take vgchartz' numbers with a grain of salt. 

I take, that´s because you will never see me posting on the Weekly sales thread.


IIRC it was 9.1mi the week before Sony claimed the 10mi mark, and XOne was at 5.4mi. So, they had to massage the numbers after that.

However without explanation the XOne lost almost 10% of it sales. Even with the NPD leaks showing that both PS4 and XOne were overtraked in NA.

So, VGChartz undertrack the PS4 in more than 1mi units WW and at the same time was overtraking the XOne in 500K.

That is when all the talking of the XOne never catching the WiiU... a thing that will happen by late Octuber.  

chocoloco said:

US has best taste in consoles. PS4> Bone > WiiU .
We are getting gaming right this time.

I know we have tons of Nintendo fans here, but Nihty should be third all fall and early winter.

Define good taste... looking at the most sold games of ps4 and x1 i am getting a hard time trying to understand that


oh sorry you mean consoles, yeah its nice to have a console on your living room it really helps the decoration, I found it marvelous



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