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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Nearing Deal To Purchase Minecraft for $2 Billion CNBC Reports

Crazy how this is basically already taken as fact here.

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Nem said:

I remember the founder of mojang saying how the occulus sellout to facebook creep him out. Ah... money. How it twists people.

Everybody has a price.">"><img src="

Madword said:

But then it has little to do with any other of their divisions either :)

You really think they are dropping 2 billion with the main reason being to make any future minecraft releases exclusive to xbox one? No.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Its illegal, because in order to publish a game on any console requires a licensing agreement, which is contractual, with the manufacturer of said console. The owner of the IP is required to honor this licensing agreement as long as it lasts which would be the lifetime of the game. 

Thus, MS could make Minecraft II, Minecraft Racers, and Minecraft World exclusive, but they would be legally bound to keep Minecraft multiplatform.

Minecraft on PS4 need some serious updates to really stabilize the game. Microsoft could stop all future DLC and updates from PS4, this would make the Xbox one the ultimate edition. You know what Microsoft would do, simply put Minecraft on games with gold.... and every future bundle will be package with Minecraft as a free Digital game. Minecraft would be use to push the XBox one Brand.

DerNebel said:
Soundwave said:
Damagon said:
I just can't wrap my head around this. What does Microsoft grain from this? This whole thing is the exact opposite of the Tomb Raider deal. That was a wise move , this however, is not.

Minecraft has sold 54 million copies, how much more does MS think it will sell to warrant $2B? The game is already on everything and sales will only go down. Not even Minecraft 2 will be able to match the success of the original. Most of the sales were precisely because of the new gimmick, why don't you ask Nintendo what happens when your new popular gimmick is played out?

Is sticking it to Sony really worth 2 billion dollars? Because as of right now that's the only immediate gain I can see. Dropping support for rival consoles would surely bring the attention to your products (particularly mobiles) but I'll be damned if there aren't cheaper ways to do that.

The worst part is I can't see Mojang not taking the deal. I mean surely they know the franchise already passed its prime, and that the other IPs are nothing special. Unlike Squenix, them taking the money is actually the smart move.

They'd be idiots not to take this deal. 

Why? What does Mojang need $2 billion for?

The better question is , what does Notch need Mojang for?  better yet, what does he need Minecraft for?

Because that's what Mojang really is. Their other IPs are nothing but cannon fodder.  

The game is passed its prime, a sequel is unnecessary and likely to flop (same with any spinoffs). It'd make perfect sense to sell it now and move on. Either keep the money or invest on a new studio.

As for the amount itself, Why does anyone need 2 billion dollars ever? 

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yvanjean said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Its illegal, because in order to publish a game on any console requires a licensing agreement, which is contractual, with the manufacturer of said console. The owner of the IP is required to honor this licensing agreement as long as it lasts which would be the lifetime of the game. 

Thus, MS could make Minecraft II, Minecraft Racers, and Minecraft World exclusive, but they would be legally bound to keep Minecraft multiplatform.

Minecraft on PS4 need some serious updates to really stabilize the game. Microsoft could stop all future DLC and updates from PS4, this would make the Xbox one the ultimate edition. You know what Microsoft would do, simply put Minecraft on games with gold.... and every future bundle will be package with Minecraft as a free Digital game. Minecraft would be use to push the XBox one Brand.

I think you're completely forgetting the PC version.

yvanjean said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Its illegal, because in order to publish a game on any console requires a licensing agreement, which is contractual, with the manufacturer of said console. The owner of the IP is required to honor this licensing agreement as long as it lasts which would be the lifetime of the game. 

Thus, MS could make Minecraft II, Minecraft Racers, and Minecraft World exclusive, but they would be legally bound to keep Minecraft multiplatform.

Minecraft on PS4 need some serious updates to really stabilize the game. Microsoft could stop all future DLC and updates from PS4, this would make the Xbox one the ultimate edition. You know what Microsoft would do, simply put Minecraft on games with gold.... and every future bundle will be package with Minecraft as a free Digital game. Minecraft would be use to push the XBox one Brand.

That could also runs the risk of angering their newly aquired fanbase and damage their brand.

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They really need to get their shit straight.
Are they "rumored" to be buying Mojang or Minecraft.
The latter makes more sense then the former...

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Bloomberg reporter Dina Bass: ''Microsoft is indeed in serious talks to buy Minecraft maker. Source tells us Minecraft would remain cross-platform if deal is done.''

Euphoria14 said:
yvanjean said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Its illegal, because in order to publish a game on any console requires a licensing agreement, which is contractual, with the manufacturer of said console. The owner of the IP is required to honor this licensing agreement as long as it lasts which would be the lifetime of the game. 

Thus, MS could make Minecraft II, Minecraft Racers, and Minecraft World exclusive, but they would be legally bound to keep Minecraft multiplatform.

Minecraft on PS4 need some serious updates to really stabilize the game. Microsoft could stop all future DLC and updates from PS4, this would make the Xbox one the ultimate edition. You know what Microsoft would do, simply put Minecraft on games with gold.... and every future bundle will be package with Minecraft as a free Digital game. Minecraft would be use to push the XBox one Brand.

That could also runs the risk of angering their newly aquired fanbase and damage their brand.

The vast majority of the Minecraft fanbase isn't on Sony platforms. Doubt anyone but Sony fanboys will get pissy, and if they're pissy that probably means MS is doing something right.