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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

I just wanted to say good game. Also WoW and others say voting for yourself is a bad idea.. usually it is I suppose. However my trap of voting for myself twice managed to catch the entire mafia team day one... I gotta give credit to wright tho killing me was the best thing he did all game. Also theprof don't be so hard on yourself you saw what I was doing for what it was, ya used good logic and ya helped greatly in catching mafia. Imo the score was town 1-1, ghost 2-0, and mafia 0-2. 1 win out of potentially 2 losses is not bad. Also count me in for next mafia game :D.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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Aslo @Carl sorry for tunneling you day one. I thought your paranoia and weakish logic day one was a sign you were hiding something. You were, I just thought you were hiding the fact you were the ghost or mafia. I didn't even consider you were a paranoid townie with an important role. Tho it was my second game. So thanks for that learning experience. Thanks WoW and Smeags for hosting. I think town did a good job despite the results. I was still thinking Padib had to be the ghost. Wright played extremely well and as much as town deserved that win Wright deserved it more for fooling everyone into thinking he was the cop especially when there is a confirmed super sherif in game.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

spurgeonryan said:
Wonktonodi said:

Not hardly.

Padib could have confessed.

Ryan too.

I could have reminded you about the potential slip day 1

I Could have argued night roles need to target Wright

I Could have tried to test imp.

What? :p I told prof if he killed me we both could be responsible for losing the game and I still hoped eric would get dsmissed and kill you all. Plus it seemed like it was padib or wright. You all messed it up from there. Imp and I pushed hard for Wright. I only take 2 percent of blame this time.

how generous of you.

I'm saying you could have tried for helping wright get lynched instead of going full crazy on prof.

padib said:
TruckOSaurus said:


I can see that by saying you weren't going to die by the nuclear blast you were trying to draw the Ghost's fire on you (which worked!) but at the same time you made yourself an enemy of the town. I really believe you could have had a great shot at winning if you had made your claim a little less "extravagant".

No problem. Let me unclam a bit. Here was what I tried.

I did a lot of it to ensure that I would win despite my early win condition fail with Carl. I had to weave a web of lies to show that I wasn't an ordinary unit.

I did a lot to convince town that Zerg was not a proper faction.

I did a lot to make myself look like the town hero so that once the ghost was dead, I would be able to draw out terran kills until attrition (3 players left in the game).

I also did a lot to bait attacks as of night 2. Luckily I caught the ghost but I was honestly expecting to detect protoss so I could call kills and come across as a town hero. And then eradicate the sheepish town.

I'm glad that plan fell through because it would have been too evil a victory.

only reason you weren't lynched day 3 was because the nuke said you weren't the nuke, had we found him I have no doubt you would have been lynched.

Then, various marines until we found the last scum.

Words Of Wisdom said:

I'm not a fan of pity parties so I will be the villain and beat theprof00 up.

His scan could catch the Ghost whether it had used its Cloak or not so he actually had 3 nights of scanning and a lynch that was all his own to work with. Even the 4th scan, which honestly didn't matter, was off the mark.

Wright also survived a lot in part to theprof00 defending him as another cop. It still boggles my mind that padib all but confessed to being a third party and, not only was he not lynched, the "cop" who scanned him and gave him an "all clear" result got a pass. Day 3 really should have been the end of Wright.

On the flip side, the things to take away from this are: setup speculation is bad and when someone says someone else is the SK, you scan one and lynch the other.

Day 2 the lynch was pretty clearly going to be sparks, TOS killed any chance of it being anyone else.

Day 3 wright "cleared" padib as the nuke, as you say rrhe town focused too much on protoss, we did well leaving padib alone until after the nuke threat.

Day 3 wasn't the town lynching wrong, it was ryan making himself too anoying to the one player who could shut him up for good.

I need to go look at my day one meta list again and see how many were right.

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hmm I was 4 for 4 on town TOS White, Hylian and Carl and 1 for 3 on scum wright while not prof and cone.

padib said:
Wonktonodi said:

only reason you weren't lynched day 3 was because the nuke said you weren't the nuke, had we found him I have no doubt you would have been lynched.

Then, various marines until we found the last scum.

In hindsight of course, but had Wright flipped Ghost, what do you predict town's attitude towards me would have been?

I was also intending to push for a protoss hunt.

pretty poor, TOS, prof, and myself wouldn't be satisfied until you were lynched, though you could have tried to work the protos angle on me, there were just too many holes and changes to your story, and after all it was prof's town :P

padib said:
Wonktonodi said:

pretty poor, TOS, prof, and myself wouldn't be satisfied until you were lynched, though you could have tried to work the protos angle on me, there were just too many holes and changes to your story, and after all it was prof's town :P

haha, it indeed was prof's town. "This is my town boys" :)

I see you guys repeating that I kept changing my story but I never actually changed it.

I never said changing, I said that you built it piece by piece. The feeling I had was that you were making it up as you went along.

Signature goes here!

Time to reveal my role...

I am Erin's magical pet sheep: Bhaltair.

Anyways, all credit goes to Words of Wisdom, as he was the sole creator of the flavor, set up, and analysis. I was just there to tally votes and gain a unique perspective of watching you all fall over one another.

But yeah, WoW made a pretty incredible twist to the game and it was a blast to watch.

I think a special kudos goes to Carl, who really applied some smart intuition and support to help town. Healed Truck Night 1 when he used the StimPack, healed Truck on Night 2 when attacked, correctly called out Wright as a non-town, correctly called out Padib as Kerrigan. Unfortunately he didn't follow through!

The Lucky's Rabbit Foot award goes to Wright, who somehow... someway... made it to Day 5. His role PM goof, his use of EMP on Padib, Padib's worst case attack on Wright on Night 3 (Seriously, any other combination of Zerg would have killed him )... but at the start of day 5 he stood tall.

Smeags said:

Time to reveal my role...

I am Erin's magical pet sheep: Bhaltair.

You were lucky we didn't click too many times on you :P