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Forums - Politics Discussion - Lazy Americans.....‘We’re a Movement Now': Fast Food Workers Strike in 150 Cities (edit) OP is poor, don't act like I am being all high and mighty!

HBninjaX said:
Hoodieninja said:
Keegs79 said:

I will tell you that I have no sympathy for them. The jobs don't take any skills. That is one reason why you don't get paid a lot. Another is that these jobs were never meant to be for people with families. It used to be teenagers that took the brunt of these jobs. I don't know how much that has changed but its ridiculous to consider giving a skill less job a raise. I get paid just over 15 dollars with 14 years in the navy. How much do these people deserve compared to my experience and skills? They deserve the same??? I know a lot of people that do harder work for less than 15 dollars than flipping burgers! I know people start out working in shipyards getting 10 dollars an hour in the heat all day long with actual skills.

Lastly, if they get paid more than some of these people are going to lose their jobs and the prices of the food will go up. You can't have it both ways. Its not about having sympathy. It's logic. It's economics.

Sorry it's not logic.
You get Benefits working in the Government THEY DON'T. If in services you get Food, Free Healthcare and many things for free.

Also NOT EVERYBODY is fit for the Navy.

Also Minimum Wage use to be able to Provide for a family, that's a fact. If anything the MINIMUM wage should be enough for them to get an Education, Provide a Decent Place to stay, Provide for MEDICAL expenses. And it does NONE OF those things correctly.

Yeah and if anything MINIMUM wage should be enough to buy a car, a house, a dog, and unicorn to ride to work every day.  Reality sucks!

Wrong, it just needs to provide a decent place to stay. All the things you mention are OPTIONAL.

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Working in fast-food doesn't mean you're lazy...just that one doesn't yet have a skill or trade that our social institutions that being said I know someone who makes 80k a year putting quotes on cute cat pictures and blogging...and that's real lazy job compared to someone making 15k a year "flipping burgers"...and there isn't enough jobs that pay a living wage for's a class system someone has to be in the bottom...the real problem is that most people think they are mid class but really are dirt poor because of wealth distribution...all you people complaining about "poor lazy people" are just playing right into 1% who want the 99%. Fighting over that bone (1% percent wealth)

shikamaru317 said:
HBninjaX said:

$15 an hour? That is pretty modest, why not $50 an hour?

By the way, the future is here. I ****ing love science!!! Check it out, it's a robot that can build 360 burgers and hour and it doesn't put boogers in your food!

I agree that $15 is too much, but they should at least be making $10 or $11.

Looks like a good way to bolster our already high unemployment rate and end up with even more people leeching the taxpayers' money through public assistance than there already are today. 

I think the market should decide what jobs pay.  If a job is worth X you get paid X, and a bunch of bureaucrats or politicians who've never even run a lemonade stand shouldn't pick some arbitrary number out of a hat.  Switzerland for example has no wages laws whatsoever and they have a 2.3% unemployment rate.

Conversely, I wouldn't mind a $15 an hour minimum wage if we A. didn't have such a lavish entitlement system B. we actually enforced our borders and immigration laws

No one gets hurt if they get $15/hr and an extra break, no one. It's that simple.

Keegs79 said:
Hoodieninja said:
Keegs79 said:

I will tell you that I have no sympathy for them. The jobs don't take any skills. That is one reason why you don't get paid a lot. Another is that these jobs were never meant to be for people with families. It used to be teenagers that took the brunt of these jobs. I don't know how much that has changed but its ridiculous to consider giving a skill less job a raise. I get paid just over 15 dollars with 14 years in the navy. How much do these people deserve compared to my experience and skills? They deserve the same??? I know a lot of people that do harder work for less than 15 dollars than flipping burgers! I know people start out working in shipyards getting 10 dollars an hour in the heat all day long with actual skills.

Lastly, if they get paid more than some of these people are going to lose their jobs and the prices of the food will go up. You can't have it both ways. Its not about having sympathy. It's logic. It's economics.

Sorry it's not logic.
You get Benefits working in the Government THEY DON'T. If in services you get Food, Free Healthcare and many things for free.

Also NOT EVERYBODY is fit for the Navy.

Also Minimum Wage use to be able to Provide for a family, that's a fact. If anything the MINIMUM wage should be enough for them to get an Education, Provide a Decent Place to stay, Provide for MEDICAL expenses. And it does NONE OF those things correctly.

Wrong. I don't get benefits. I don't work for the government. If they want an education than they need to look for tuition assistance and do what others do. This has been going on for what 30 years or more. I don't know how long but I long time and someone like you NOW thinks they deserve more money? Paying more just screws things for everyone. If the minimum wage were to go up than prices for everything goes up because that money needs to be paid somehow.

Im not in the navy anymore and a stupid excuse is being not fit when they can make themselves so. Besides, the standards are not that high compared to what I believe they should be.

Mr Joe who you would say needs his money for his "education" just lost his job because they had to cut corners to make up for lost revenue or perhaps they need to close completely because they are not getting paid enough to substain business. Medical expenses? Geez. Its a FAST FOOD JOB! It's not meant for a career. Nobody is forcing these jobs on anyone.

1. You claimed you worked for the Navy.
2. The Navy Provides Benefits
3. The Navy is part of the Government

4. Time and time again it doesn't, if anything the RICH corporations need to pay people better, the RICH have been getting RICHER and the poor have been getting POORER that's a fact.

5. What so the person with MINIMUM wage doesn't deserve Medical EXPENSES? I know people who were BANKRUPT because of Medical Expenses and due to them trying to be independent Became nearly Bankrupt and is now in Heavy DEBT due to an Accident.

Tuition Assistance, LOL, looking for more Handouts? Escpecially with people complaining that the Government already spends too much money you want to put a Bigger Burden on the Government?

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HBninjaX said:
shikamaru317 said:
HBninjaX said:

$15 an hour? That is pretty modest, why not $50 an hour?

By the way, the future is here. I ****ing love science!!! Check it out, it's a robot that can build 360 burgers and hour and it doesn't put boogers in your food!

I agree that $15 is too much, but they should at least be making $10 or $11.

Looks like a good way to bolster our already high unemployment rate and end up with even more people leeching the taxpayers' money through public assistance than there already are today. 

I think the market should decide what jobs pay.  If a job is worth X you get paid X, and a bunch of bureaucrats or politicians who've never even run a lemonade stand shouldn't pick some arbitrary number out of a hat.  Switzerland for example has no wages laws whatsoever and they have a 2.3% unemployment rate.

Conversely, I wouldn't mind a $15 an hour minimum wage if we A. didn't have such a lavish entitlement system B. we actually enforced our borders and immigration laws

Switzerland has some of the best public Schools and overall Health-care in general.
They pay Public School teachers a lot of moeny.

Over-all the standard of Living is much better in Switzerland, therefore people can get by much easier and worry less due to how Switzerland handles things. People can get by even with Minimum Wage jobs in Switzerland.

Healthcare is also MUCH MUCH MUCH more affordable in Switzerland. But honestly, seeing as how things are.

Corporations seem to want to same Standards as China to keep costs low, are you saying we should have the same Standards as China if Corporations have the freedom needed to do what they need to do to establish the same standards in China as in the U.S.?

Hoodieninja said:

Many people who have Iphones and also Androids (on minimum wage) only tend to HAVE the phone with no Service, they rely on Free the Internet mc donalds or starbucks has.

They could of potentially have it also as a Present. But who knows a lot of them are TEENS too so you can probably tell whose paying for that phone. But if you're truly Independent or let's say kicked out of the house etc... Minimum Wage jobs don't cut it anymore. I do agree that they're should be balance but I feel the Majority are getting underpaid.

Minimum Wage Laws were made for people to have a Decent Living maybe 15 Dollars isn't asking too much. Maybe the Repairmen and the Navy Seals should also be paid MUCH more.

Work a minimum wage job, then you don't get iPhones. You don't get cable TV. You don't get internet. You don't get that car. You don't get a nice place to live, you get that $700/month 1-BR apartment (NY cost, which is higher than a lot of other places). You can't pay that $75/week family med. insurance cost like I have to. They can usually get Medicaid though. Especially Latoya in the OP. She is a single mother with kids who works minimum wage. They are eligible.


I also hate the excuse about them not being able to get an education. My fiance makes $32/hour as an in home pediatric nurse. She works directly for Medicaid, but gets NO benefits. No health insurance. She only needs to pay for all her own supplies in order to do her job. She doesn't have her uniforms, gloves, etc... given to her.

Because she is considered a single mom (We are not married yet) she gets the state to pay for her continued education. This may change next year though since we recently purchased our first home. To think that 5-years ago, when my daughter was first born, I was just starting my current job, working on the stockroom for $11/hour and she was making $10/hour working with the mentally disabled. Both jobs requiring no additional education beyond high school. When she got home after my daughter was born though I had her quit her job while I picked up a lot of extra hours to cover all the costs and had her go full time into an accelerated nursing program, which cost $11,000. We got financial aid for $8,000 of that.



Why can't Latoya in the OP do the same so she can provide a better life for all her kids? $15/hour bump isn't going to do it. She would be eligible for schooling aid. If she looks hard and finds a job at somewhere like a Walmart then she can get them to pay for her schooling, provided of course that she passes the classes AND that schooling is for something that can be applied to a position within the company.

My problem also is that if they win this then expect them to come back later on down the line and demand more.

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spurgeonryan said:

Go to Fucking School! Work hard! Stop waiting for handouts! Now I hope you all get fired for walking out!


It's not that simple. 

There are many people born into situations that do not give them the means to get a good education, and hard work is not a guarantee of moving up and earning a livable wage for them and their families. 

Many poverty-stricken areas do not have decent paying jobs, or even many low-wage jobs, and unemployment is high. 

Race also plays a factor. People of color, especially black Americans, are often discriminated against in hiring and wages. Then there are other factors such as discrimination in the justice system that sees them arrested at disproportionate levels and charged with crimes that prevent them from receiving financial aid for school and leave them with records so they're at even more of a disadvantage of getting a job. 

There are many factors are work here besides people "being lazy" and your situation is not indicative of anyone else's opportunities or prospects. 

Poverty is systemic. If it were a matter of an individual working hard or not, poverty rates would be nearly non-existant. 

Hoodieninja said:
Keegs79 said:
Hoodieninja said:
Keegs79 said:

I will tell you that I have no sympathy for them. The jobs don't take any skills. That is one reason why you don't get paid a lot. Another is that these jobs were never meant to be for people with families. It used to be teenagers that took the brunt of these jobs. I don't know how much that has changed but its ridiculous to consider giving a skill less job a raise. I get paid just over 15 dollars with 14 years in the navy. How much do these people deserve compared to my experience and skills? They deserve the same??? I know a lot of people that do harder work for less than 15 dollars than flipping burgers! I know people start out working in shipyards getting 10 dollars an hour in the heat all day long with actual skills.

Lastly, if they get paid more than some of these people are going to lose their jobs and the prices of the food will go up. You can't have it both ways. Its not about having sympathy. It's logic. It's economics.

Sorry it's not logic.
You get Benefits working in the Government THEY DON'T. If in services you get Food, Free Healthcare and many things for free.

Also NOT EVERYBODY is fit for the Navy.

Also Minimum Wage use to be able to Provide for a family, that's a fact. If anything the MINIMUM wage should be enough for them to get an Education, Provide a Decent Place to stay, Provide for MEDICAL expenses. And it does NONE OF those things correctly.

Wrong. I don't get benefits. I don't work for the government. If they want an education than they need to look for tuition assistance and do what others do. This has been going on for what 30 years or more. I don't know how long but I long time and someone like you NOW thinks they deserve more money? Paying more just screws things for everyone. If the minimum wage were to go up than prices for everything goes up because that money needs to be paid somehow.

Im not in the navy anymore and a stupid excuse is being not fit when they can make themselves so. Besides, the standards are not that high compared to what I believe they should be.

Mr Joe who you would say needs his money for his "education" just lost his job because they had to cut corners to make up for lost revenue or perhaps they need to close completely because they are not getting paid enough to substain business. Medical expenses? Geez. Its a FAST FOOD JOB! It's not meant for a career. Nobody is forcing these jobs on anyone.

1. You claimed you worked for the Navy.
2. The Navy Provides Benefits
3. The Navy is part of the Government

4. Time and time again it doesn't, if anything the RICH corporations need to pay people better, the RICH have been getting RICHER and the poor have been getting POORER that's a fact.

5. What so the person with MINIMUM wage doesn't deserve Medical EXPENSES? I know people who were BANKRUPT because of Medical Expenses and due to them trying to be independent Became nearly Bankrupt and is now in Heavy DEBT due to an Accident.

Tuition Assistance, LOL, looking for more Handouts? Escpecially with people complaining that the Government already spends too much money you want to put a Bigger Burden on the Government?

Hence "did" work in the navy for 14 years. I was referring to my experience in the navy that pays me 15 dollars an hour NOW.  I didn't say I currently do so NO I AM NOT a part of the government. If you had some sense you woud know that the military doesn't pay by the hour.  I worked 14 years in the navy and some guy or chick of the streets deserves to get paid the same with no skills, no education, and no experiece? Hell no. Raising the minimum wage will make prices go up. Economics! Than what? They going to whine about everything being too expensive and want ANOTHER raise? No. Minimim wage has NEVER been good for someone to live on. That is why mostly kids have always did the work. It was always a part time job.

If you want them to have medical benefits than a lot of these jobs will be lost. Plain and simple. Its one reason why Obamacare isn't covered under these jobs.

Tuition assistance doesn't apply that it comes directly from the government and besides that, it is there! It is better for them to use what is available than being paid more and not use any tuition. That would be stupid.

Euphoria14 said:
Hoodieninja said:

Many people who have Iphones and also Androids (on minimum wage) only tend to HAVE the phone with no Service, they rely on Free the Internet mc donalds or starbucks has.

They could of potentially have it also as a Present. But who knows a lot of them are TEENS too so you can probably tell whose paying for that phone. But if you're truly Independent or let's say kicked out of the house etc... Minimum Wage jobs don't cut it anymore. I do agree that they're should be balance but I feel the Majority are getting underpaid.

Minimum Wage Laws were made for people to have a Decent Living maybe 15 Dollars isn't asking too much. Maybe the Repairmen and the Navy Seals should also be paid MUCH more.

1. Work a minimum wage job, then you don't get iPhones. You don't get cable TV. You don't get internet. You don't get that car. You don't get a nice place to live, you get that $700/month 1-BR apartment (NY cost, which is higher than a lot of other places). You can't pay that $75/week family med. insurance cost like I have to. They can usually get Medicaid though. Especially Latoya in the OP. She is a single mother with kids who works minimum wage. They are eligible.


2. I also hate the excuse about them not being able to get an education. My fiance makes $32/hour as an in home pediatric nurse. She works directly for Medicaid, but gets NO benefits. No health insurance. She only needs to pay for all her own supplies in order to do her job. She doesn't have her uniforms, gloves, etc... given to her.

3. Because she is considered a single mom (We are not married yet) she gets the state to pay for her continued education. This may change next year though since we recently purchased our first home. To think that 5-years ago, when my daughter was first born, I was just starting my current job, working on the stockroom for $11/hour and she was making $10/hour working with the mentally disabled. Both jobs requiring no additional education beyond high school. When she got pregnant though I had her quit her job while I picked up a lot of extra hours to cover all the costs and had her go full time into an accelerated nursing program, which cost $11,000. We got financial aid for $8,000 of that.



Why can't Latoya in the OP do the same so she can provide a better life for all her kids? $15/hour bump isn't going to do it. She would be eligible for schooling aid. If she looks hard and finds a job at somewhere like a Walmart then she can get them to pay for her schooling, provided of course that she passes the classes AND that schooling is for something that can be applied to a position within the company.

My problem also is that if they win this then expect them to come back later on down the line and demand more.

1. Agree'd Though Medicaid is very limited for the most part and barely covers anything.

2. Was she working a Minimum Wage job before she became a Pediatric Nurse? how did she get the Education to become a Nurse? I think SHE deserves Health-care just as much as She deserved it with the Minimum Wage job.

3. I don't have a problem with that, Walmart is also very careful who they choose to work Full Time because of benefits like those. There's nothing wrong with what you are doing, but it sometimes doesn't work that way.

15/Hour Bump isn't going to do it, but at-least it eases some of Burden Quicker and Faster. You're still relying more and more on the Government Which I don't mind but also getting funding from the Government has also been increasingly much harder due to Higher Costs and people arguing about Wasteful Spending.
There's also an off chance Accidents happen like Medical Issues which will INCREASE burdens and also make it that much harder and that much more unfair in the Social Ladder.