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shikamaru317 said:
HBninjaX said:

$15 an hour? That is pretty modest, why not $50 an hour?

By the way, the future is here. I ****ing love science!!! Check it out, it's a robot that can build 360 burgers and hour and it doesn't put boogers in your food!

I agree that $15 is too much, but they should at least be making $10 or $11.

Looks like a good way to bolster our already high unemployment rate and end up with even more people leeching the taxpayers' money through public assistance than there already are today. 

I think the market should decide what jobs pay.  If a job is worth X you get paid X, and a bunch of bureaucrats or politicians who've never even run a lemonade stand shouldn't pick some arbitrary number out of a hat.  Switzerland for example has no wages laws whatsoever and they have a 2.3% unemployment rate.

Conversely, I wouldn't mind a $15 an hour minimum wage if we A. didn't have such a lavish entitlement system B. we actually enforced our borders and immigration laws