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Forums - Politics Discussion - Lazy Americans.....‘We’re a Movement Now': Fast Food Workers Strike in 150 Cities (edit) OP is poor, don't act like I am being all high and mighty!

Pro-business super rich conservatives will obviously oppose the rights of Workers. The rich and powerful business owners have the upper hand and often under pay their hard working workers.
Many people will be siding with the low paid workers plight for better pay and better working conditions. The powerless need representation from Unions to bargain for a better deal.  Striking and protesting workers must fight for better pay and better conditions.

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I would be very ashamed of myself if I paid any of my workers less than 15$ per hour. Seriously, that's not a question of profits, it's a question of manners. You just don't do shit like that. And if your business really doesn't bring you enough so you can pay 15$ per hour to your people (which I highly doubt when it comes to fastfood) you're doing something terribly wrong.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

work hard and get promoted or walk out and protest your way to a raise?

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loy310 said:
No one gets hurt if they get $15/hr and an extra break, no one. It's that simple.

This is too funny.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:
Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:
These jobs are not meant or for making a living for a family. Minimum wage is designed to for a single person to be able to make it by. And it's enough to do that. If you have 3 kids, don't work a minimum wage job.

Some people don't have a choice, a job is a job. If anything we have a Lack of Jobs. Minimum Wage isn't even enough for a single peson to make it by, you don't get healthcare if you get into an accident or if the Ambulance comes to get you for whatever reason you're in a few thousand dollar debt. The price of Education, and Living Expenses is rising. This is not including people who have Mental illnesses which makes it harder for them to get by, I know a few people who have this problem and it's SICKENING what they have to go through to pay off there enourmous debts because of the crappy American healthcare system.

You can't make it by on your own with just Minimum Wage. You need somebody helping you or Subsidizing you if you want to make it by Alone.

Well, this isn't true. You have enough for shelter, food, and clothing. Luxuries like television, smartphones, video games, etc. are exactly that. You don't deserve to have them for existing.

Price of education is rising, but there's thousands of scholarships opportunities for people without money. My wife was paid by the government to go to university. Living expenses are also rising, but so is minimum wage. In high cost of living states, minimum wage is higher than $10!

Wrong, I don't know where you live but Minimum wages do not pay enouigh for Shelter letalone Medical Expenses if you have any, some barely have enough for Food. Video Games and a T.V. are an afterthought, Friends and Relatives may have Given it to them who knows.

Not everybody is able to get a Scholarship, getting a Scholarship is harder than before due to Rising Costs. Again the government is ALSO subsidizing you, so technically it's not enough on a Minimum Wage job.

Even at the national minimum, you can live off $150-200 easily on food alone. There are plenty of apartments that you can get for $400-500/month (with more options with roommates to decrease that cost).

That's slightly more than half of your income. It's a bad situation, but a minimum wage isn't ever supposed to be a good situation. You're being paid to be a unskilled, unexperienced laborer.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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outlawauron said:
Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:
Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:
These jobs are not meant or for making a living for a family. Minimum wage is designed to for a single person to be able to make it by. And it's enough to do that. If you have 3 kids, don't work a minimum wage job.

Some people don't have a choice, a job is a job. If anything we have a Lack of Jobs. Minimum Wage isn't even enough for a single peson to make it by, you don't get healthcare if you get into an accident or if the Ambulance comes to get you for whatever reason you're in a few thousand dollar debt. The price of Education, and Living Expenses is rising. This is not including people who have Mental illnesses which makes it harder for them to get by, I know a few people who have this problem and it's SICKENING what they have to go through to pay off there enourmous debts because of the crappy American healthcare system.

You can't make it by on your own with just Minimum Wage. You need somebody helping you or Subsidizing you if you want to make it by Alone.

Well, this isn't true. You have enough for shelter, food, and clothing. Luxuries like television, smartphones, video games, etc. are exactly that. You don't deserve to have them for existing.

Price of education is rising, but there's thousands of scholarships opportunities for people without money. My wife was paid by the government to go to university. Living expenses are also rising, but so is minimum wage. In high cost of living states, minimum wage is higher than $10!

Wrong, I don't know where you live but Minimum wages do not pay enouigh for Shelter letalone Medical Expenses if you have any, some barely have enough for Food. Video Games and a T.V. are an afterthought, Friends and Relatives may have Given it to them who knows.

Not everybody is able to get a Scholarship, getting a Scholarship is harder than before due to Rising Costs. Again the government is ALSO subsidizing you, so technically it's not enough on a Minimum Wage job.

Even at the national minimum, you can live off $150-200 easily on food alone. There are plenty of apartments that you can get for $400-500/month (with more options with roommates to decrease that cost).

That's slightly more than half of your income. It's a bad situation, but a minimum wage isn't ever supposed to be a good situation. You're being paid to be a unskilled, unexperienced laborer.

I don't know where you live where rent is only 400-500 a month but where I'm at the Average for a one room apartment is 1000-1200 or higher.
Minimum Wage is suppose to help you get back on your feet, it does neither. Minimum Wage back in the 1950's was able to provide a decent living for a family and help them get back on their feet.

Roomates LOL, Minimum Wage is suppose to help you become independent relying on Roomates is technically cheating.

Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:

Even at the national minimum, you can live off $150-200 easily on food alone. There are plenty of apartments that you can get for $400-500/month (with more options with roommates to decrease that cost).

That's slightly more than half of your income. It's a bad situation, but a minimum wage isn't ever supposed to be a good situation. You're being paid to be a unskilled, unexperienced laborer.

I don't know where you live where rent is only 400-500 a month but where I'm at the Average for a one room apartment is 1000-1200 or higher.
Minimum Wage is suppose to help you get back on your feet, it does neither. Minimum Wage back in the 1950's was able to provide a decent living for a family and help them get back on their feet.

Roomates LOL, Minimum Wage is suppose to help you become independent relying on Roomates is technically cheating.

I guarantee I can find something in that range if you live in the US. Whatever the average rent is is largely irrelevant. You don't make average money, so you don't get an average apartment.

I don't how roommates are cheating. Roommates are one of the most common things in society. 

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:

Even at the national minimum, you can live off $150-200 easily on food alone. There are plenty of apartments that you can get for $400-500/month (with more options with roommates to decrease that cost).

That's slightly more than half of your income. It's a bad situation, but a minimum wage isn't ever supposed to be a good situation. You're being paid to be a unskilled, unexperienced laborer.

I don't know where you live where rent is only 400-500 a month but where I'm at the Average for a one room apartment is 1000-1200 or higher.
Minimum Wage is suppose to help you get back on your feet, it does neither. Minimum Wage back in the 1950's was able to provide a decent living for a family and help them get back on their feet.

Roomates LOL, Minimum Wage is suppose to help you become independent relying on Roomates is technically cheating.

I guarantee I can find something in that range if you live in the US. Whatever the average rent is is largely irrelevant. You don't make average money, so you don't get an average apartment.

I don't how roommates are cheating. Roommates are one of the most common things in society. 

Not really, you're talking about the Cost of Living in certain States, the Average cost of Living in certain states is Higher Than others.

Let's just say I live in a state where the average cost of Living is much higher than others. This is of course slowly changing over time as the Cost of Living in all states is rising.

Again I don't know where you live, the Minimum Wage does need an increase to ease the burden for most poor. You're also Not including Water, Electricity, and other various bills such as Medical Care or the Lack of There of when things happen.

Like somebody has said the Minimum was $1.60 in 1968 which is almost $11 in today's money. The Minimum Wage has not scaled PROPERLY at all.

Having Roomates is a Common thing now, however back in the 1950's Working a Minimum Wage job was enough to become Independant.

Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:

I guarantee I can find something in that range if you live in the US. Whatever the average rent is is largely irrelevant. You don't make average money, so you don't get an average apartment.

I don't how roommates are cheating. Roommates are one of the most common things in society. 

Not really, you're talking about the Cost of Living in certain States, the Average cost of Living in certain states is Higher Than others.

Let's just say I live in a state where the average cost of Living is much higher than others. This is of course slowly changing over time as the Cost of Living in all states is rising.

Again I don't know where you live, the Minimum Wage does need an increase to ease the burden for most poor. You're also Not including Water, Electricity, and other various bills such as Medical Care or the Lack of There of when things happen.

Like somebody has said the Minimum was $1.60 in 1968 which is almost $11 in today's money. The Minimum Wage has not scaled PROPERLY at all.

Having Roomates is a Common thing now, however back in the 1950's Working a Minimum Wage job was enough to become Independant.

Which is why minimum wage isn't the same in every state! Minimum wage in California is $9/hour and is going up to $10/hour in 2016.

I do agree that the national number needs to go up for a more universal wage increase, but $15/hour is completely absurd to me.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Hoodieninja said:
outlawauron said:

I guarantee I can find something in that range if you live in the US. Whatever the average rent is is largely irrelevant. You don't make average money, so you don't get an average apartment.

I don't how roommates are cheating. Roommates are one of the most common things in society. 

Not really, you're talking about the Cost of Living in certain States, the Average cost of Living in certain states is Higher Than others.

Let's just say I live in a state where the average cost of Living is much higher than others. This is of course slowly changing over time as the Cost of Living in all states is rising.

Again I don't know where you live, the Minimum Wage does need an increase to ease the burden for most poor. You're also Not including Water, Electricity, and other various bills such as Medical Care or the Lack of There of when things happen.

Like somebody has said the Minimum was $1.60 in 1968 which is almost $11 in today's money. The Minimum Wage has not scaled PROPERLY at all.

Having Roomates is a Common thing now, however back in the 1950's Working a Minimum Wage job was enough to become Independant.

Which is why minimum wage isn't the same in every state! Minimum wage in California is $9/hour and is going up to $10/hour in 2016.

I do agree that the national number needs to go up for a more universal wage increase, but $15/hour is completely absurd to me.

I do not have much of an argument there, I personally don't see that $15 is honestly that bad of a thing either.

for 10 Dollars full time you should get about 800 for every 2 weeks

for 15 dollars you should get about 1200 for every 2 weeks

I'll just say this, I think family buisnesses should get a certain exception or Tax Break. When Companies hire people they only enough people for the Job. I doubt let's say Walmart the number one Chain in department stores will hurt. Let's just say the Ceo Earns a profit of 10 million anually will it honestly be that bad for them to earn 7-8 million for a Higher Minimum and a Happier Staff?

Anyways Walmarts CEO earns about 35 million anually. I doubt that Minimum Wage will hurt his Paycheck that badly if he decided to pay them more.

If 15 dollar seems like it's too much then maybe I'll agree, but Honestly I don't think we will ever get the Honest truth about what the CEO's income will turn out to be if the Minimum at Walmart was raised to 15.