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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New Wii U Bundles Annouced!!

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Will these bundles help the Wii U reach 9 or 10 million Units Sold by the end of 2014?

Yes 172 47.65%
No 45 12.47%
Possibly 9 Million but not 10 Million 85 23.55%
More than 10 Million 59 16.34%


Around the Network

Great idea for a bundle!

I will recommend the MK8 bundle to friends if they ever care about Wii U in their lifetime.


Am I the only one who thinks all consoles will reach ten mil this year

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

I like it, but still feel like they should make $249 at least the price for these. Sooooo many people are already or will be soon on ps4 or xb1 in the US, so grabbing them for the 'companion console' purchase is tough when $300 is the ticket. $200 would be epic, but $250 I think would push numbers pretty well for a great bundle like that. Nintendo makes good money on all the 1st party game sales, so even if they lost a few bucks per bundle they would still win by a big boost in install base.

It will sell more than 10 million for sure. It will easily top 3 more million in 4 months

Around the Network

I love these bundles. Hopefully they boost sales. Is there a release date for them?

Ka-pi96 said:
Good idea for a bundle, it should help sales a bit. But I think it's about a year too late, why wasn't it bundled when the game was first released?

Cause Nintendo kicked it in to 4th gear! 

toot1231 said:
AZWification said:
hsrob said:
I still say 3D World is an somewhat under appreciated game, here's to hoping it gets some more exposure.

Yeah.. I feel like it gets some hate just because it's not like 64 or Galaxy...

to me it feels more like 64 than galaxy did.

the levels feel like obstacle courses like a lot of Mario 64 levels did.

I disagree.  3D World has very little of the exploration that 64 did.  3D World feels more like SMB3 or World extrapolated to 3 dimensions.  Still an amazingly fun game, but not quite as good as the others in the series;

If Nintendo...ADVERTISES IT.

"I think it will be the HDS"-Me in regards to Nintendo's next handheld.

Gammalad said:
If Nintendo...ADVERTISES IT.

I think it will regardles. If people walk into a walmart and see a Mario Kart 8 bundle(with Nintendoland) A good percentage of them who are interested will buy it.