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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When will Wii U owners be satisfied enough to accept a new console?

Soundwave said:
DevilRising said:


I'm sorry, but are you kidding? The system hasn't even been out a full two full years, and you want them to drop support after 2015 and release a new console in 2016? Is that what you personally want, or are you just speculating that that could happen?

What we've gotten so far in no realistic way constitutes an acceptable full catalog of one console's games.

When will Nintendo fans be "Satisfied"? Why does satisfaction have to be determined by a certain number of games, or a certain length of time? I, PERSONALLY, would be perfectly satisfied if Nintendo did what I think they should do, which is support Wii U through 2016, AT LEAST, and not release a new console until 2017. Why? Because the Wii U is just fine as it is, and it has hardware powerful enough to provide us with quite a lot of great gaming experiences. We don't need to cut that short just so I can run out and spend ANOTHER $400 on ANOTHER new console that has more hardware power.

I want as many good games (both retail and indie) out of THIS hardware as I can possibly get. And quite frankly, releasing new hardware is not going to "Cure" anything. Just because they release more powerful hardware (again), doesn't mean that all the sudden these so-called "core" gamers are going to run and jump on the new Nintendo bandwagon. Nintendo needs to support THIS console, and not only get THEIR money's worth, but make sure we get ours.


There isn't going to be a $400 super duper Nintendo console. Not in 2017, not in 2018, not in 2019, not in 2020 IMO. 

Wii U in a lot of ways I think will be their last traditional console, they will simply just make a handheld next gen which also has a TV-centric (VitaTV) variant that allows the same games to be played on your television.

To be honest I think the gaming landscape is going to change radically after this gen anyway. Go see the Sony thread where Sony themselves is openly talking about streaming replacing consoles eventually. I think even for Sony, Playstation 5 will be their last traditional console. I'm not sure if MS will try again either if XBox One is considered a dissapointment. Nintendo is out after the Wii U IMO. 

Also with the "next-gen" Nintendo platform being more like a portable first, I don't think any of this will be a big issue for Nintendo. They can position it more as the 3DS successor at first, even if it is effectively replacing both the 3DS and Wii U in the long run. 

Yet another plus for going the "Fusion" route. 

I guess it's possible, maybe even the best idea, but I don't see Nintendo doing that. The problem with Wii U was the marketing, confusing name, and the fact that everyone is out to destroy it. After playing Mario Kart 8, if graphics get better than that, count me good for graphics anywhere next gen. As far as power goes, I haven't seen any reason this really makes a difference other than pushing away third parties. And I think Nintendo learned that if it's this far underpowered( not much imo ) people are going to hate.

Edit-the point being, it's not a disgrace, it's fine.

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WiiU's potential is yet to be fully tapped.  

I hope it stays on the market for at least 7 years before the next console gets announced.

I wouldnt want Nintendo to launch a console too early.

Let the indie developers grow on this console to become major players on the next console, and 

Nintendo will solve its 3rd party issues.




2017 for me.

In picture form I basically think this will be next for Nintendo, Fusion platform handheld (spring-2016 or so): 

Same games, similar chipset (maybe the home TV version has 2-3x CPU/GPU/RAM for 1080P resolution). TV version comes out in Fall 2016. No Ethernet port on TV version, probably a bit larger than that but not much. 

MDX said:

WiiU's potential is yet to be fully tapped.  

I hope it stays on the market for at least 7 years before the next console gets announced.

I wouldnt want Nintendo to launch a console too early.

Let the indie developers grow on this console to become major players on the next console, and 

Nintendo will solve its 3rd party issues.




I don't want Nintendo to rush it either, but a nine year console life is insane. I think maybe one or two consoles have ever had this long of a supported lifespan.

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As a poor gamer just out of college, I have more than enough Wii U games than I can handle already in addition to Steam and Xbox 360. Just finished and sold off NSMB, burned through much of Nintendoland, Wii Party is great for hanging with friends, Mario Kart 8 I'm always playing online and with friends, playing Pikmin 3 religiously and just beat it in fact, just got Rayman and Assassin's Creed 4 on the cheap for single player experiences, will be snagging DKC and Wonderful 101 soon, waiting for Batman: Arkham Origins to hit the $15 mark on amazon.. PLUS there's Smash later this year which should be all I need, then the big blowout of games in 2015.. I mean honestly, how many games do people need?


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

DarthMetalliCube said:

As a poor gamer just out of college, I have more than enough Wii U games than I can handle already in addition to Steam and Xbox 360. Just finished and sold off NSMB, burned through much of Nintendoland, Wii Party is great for hanging with friends, Mario Kart 8 I'm always playing online and with friends, playing Pikmin 3 religiously and just beat it in fact, just got Rayman and Assassin's Creed 4 on the cheap for single player experiences, will be snagging DKC and Wonderful 101 soon, waiting for Batman: Arkham Origins to hit the $15 mark on amazon.. PLUS there's Smash later this year which should be all I need, then the big blowout of games in 2015.. I mean honestly, how many games do people need?

As many as we can without having to buy a new console. Being a poor gamer, I thought you would understand.

Unannounced games I would need to accept a new console
-Paper Mario
-Kirby (platformer)
-2D Sonic