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As a poor gamer just out of college, I have more than enough Wii U games than I can handle already in addition to Steam and Xbox 360. Just finished and sold off NSMB, burned through much of Nintendoland, Wii Party is great for hanging with friends, Mario Kart 8 I'm always playing online and with friends, playing Pikmin 3 religiously and just beat it in fact, just got Rayman and Assassin's Creed 4 on the cheap for single player experiences, will be snagging DKC and Wonderful 101 soon, waiting for Batman: Arkham Origins to hit the $15 mark on amazon.. PLUS there's Smash later this year which should be all I need, then the big blowout of games in 2015.. I mean honestly, how many games do people need?


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden