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Forums - General Discussion - OMG! Bus driver and student get into a fistfight!

I don't know how to embed youtube videos on the first try, but I can post it if I post below this, so the video is posted below.


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There is an imbed box under the video on youtube, just copy and paste the text into the post

The first couple of minutes are slow, but @ about 7:30 it starts getting good. Now who's fault is this? The bus driver's? Or the student's?

It is 100% the student's fault.

The Bus Driver was just doing her job, she can't let students leave the schoolbus midway. The Student bitch wanted to leave and forcefully trid to shut the radio, which started the fight (?)

^i hope they give that lady a pat on the back and expel that little turd-----if i were her parents i would smash her dam phone and ground her for the rest or her life not to mention pulling out the house paddle


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Sorry, double post =(


I guess we can't judge whose fault it is since we don't know the full story.

^its the student by default--the bus driver should have been in charge and the brat wasnt following the rules---regardless of how it ended the student should have gone back to her seat and shut up


It's always the childs fault in bus driving incidents. Just assume they had it coming. I couldn't be a watcher of children, I tend to hate them. Your kids? I'd throw them off a ravine as soon as I'd save them from drowning. Loud mouth spoiled modern teenager, in this vid, that should be thrown under the bus. I've got no special consideration for people just because they're young. If I would kick a dudes ass, I would kick a kid or womans ass. It's equal rights, we've been striving for it, for centuries.


...and if my mom had been the bus driver and I had ridden along. you would have seen a fistfight. I'm a grown ass man. It would make the world most one sided fist fights, reel, and any boyfriend who wanted to show their bravery would have gotten stabbed with a 12" rambo knife about 150 times. I get all prisoney in tight spaces with loud brat kids. Can't stand em. Bus drivers have it tough, if you never realized it. Its like this everyday for them. That poor lady.

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The bus driver was at fault actually If a student wants to get off and on school grounds they can call of an administrator to let the student off.

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