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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is The Last Story first party or third party?

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Gnac said:
Wright said:

Elza because he gets to fuck Callista

Man, is Sakaguchi even trying

Syrenne should have been munching that fish pie.

At least Syrenne plays with Callista's boobs (And, well, Callista herself) during a secret off-screen sequence on the women's bathroom.


But according to the ending, Syrenne lives happily with Lowell.

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From my understanding The Last Story is just like Lost Odyssey. They were both developed by Mistwalker but the IP itself belongs to the platform holder. Nintendo owns The Last Story ip and MS owners the Lost Odyssey IP. Lost Odyssey 2 is just about the only game that would get me buy and Xbox One.

Darc Requiem said:
From my understanding The Last Story is just like Lost Odyssey. They were both developed by Mistwalker but the IP itself belongs to the platform holder. Nintendo owns The Last Story ip and MS owners the Lost Odyssey IP. Lost Odyssey 2 is just about the only game that would get me buy and Xbox One.

Neither Nintendo nor Microsoft owns the IPs. In Nintendo's case, I'd say Mistwalker has entire property over the game. In Lost Odyssey, I can't really put my finger on who has who. MS has repeatedly say that they can't develop a LO sequel because the ownership of the IP is a complicated matter.

Gnac said:
Slade6alpha said:

He must have enjoyed it.... so much so that he wants a sequel.

But it's the last one!

Well he probably wants a prequel titled The First Story.

Gnac said:
Wright said:

Elza because he gets to fuck Callista

Man, is Sakaguchi even trying

Syrenne should have been munching that fish pie.

Syrenne's too busy having a bath with Mirania. :p On a side  note, the epilogue hints she's pregnant.

Man, I loved TLS's characters. By the end of the game they really felt like friends and comrades, and as the credits rolled I was almost sad that I wouldn't get to keep following their stories.

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Gnac said:


...What kind of question is that? It's obviously because I like the game.

Anfebious said:
The Last Story 2. Sounds like a great title for a videogame.

So is Final Fantasy 15.

spemanig said:
Gnac said:


...What kind of question is that? It's obviously because I like the game.

This is a fractal question


Wright said:

Indeed, it is a second party game.


Mistwalker can do whatever they want with the The Last Story IP.

No. Nintendo owns it. Mistwalker is like Treasure where the publisher owns the IP. Microsoft Owns Blue Dragon and Lost Odessey.

SEGA owns Gunstar Heroes and Gaurdian Heroes and NIntendo Owns Sin and Punishment and Enix owns Mischief Makers. All developed by Treasure. Mistwalker works the exact same way. In fact Nintendo oversaw the game and the original idea was deemed to dark by Nintendo and was called The Last World.

Last I heard, Nintendo owns The Last Story IP, similar to how Nintendo owns The Wonderful 101 IP even though that was developed by Platinum Games, a third party studio. I don't know if the ownership over that IP is clear cut though, as I've also seen people say that it's jointly owned by Nintendo and Mistwalker.

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