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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is The Last Story first party or third party?

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lord_of_flood said:
Last I heard, Nintendo owns The Last Story IP, similar to how Nintendo owns The Wonderful 101 IP even though that was developed by Platinum Games, a third party studio. I don't know if the ownership over that IP is clear cut though, as I've also seen people say that it's jointly owned by Nintendo and Mistwalker.

I was pretty much always under the impression that Nintendo owned the ip as well along with pandoras tower (another game id like an HD sequal too), or at least thats how I remember all the talk being about back then.

Both games were good but i felt they were being held back a bit by the wii hardware at the time. Definately think they were conceived as PS360 games and then Nintendo picked them up when something went wrong.

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Gnac said:
Slade6alpha said:

He must have enjoyed it.... so much so that he wants a sequel.

But it's the last one!

So they could make it a prequel, instead. The Second-Last Story. Has a nice ring to it.

There's no such thing as second party. Its a third party game (exclusive) published by Nintendo.

I am not sure of all the legal implications of copyright but this site gives a hint of the owner of a franchise.

The Last Story
©2011-2012 Nintendo/MISTWALKER

baloofarsan said:
I am not sure of all the legal implications of copyright but this site gives a hint of the owner of a franchise.

The Last Story
©2011-2012 Nintendo/MISTWALKER

Interesting, so the people I had seen on the internet saying it was jointly owned weren't wrong after all. Interesting. I guess that means if Nintendo wants to do anything with the IP, both Ninty and Mistwalker have to agree on it.

NNID: TheCCluc

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Aielyn said:

So they could make it a prequel, instead. The Second-Last Story. Has a nice ring to it.

The Penultimate Story would probably suit a JRPG much better...

I started this game, played the first twenty minutes of it, and then never touched it again...

I should get back to it...

Have a nice day...

Ryudo said:

No. Nintendo owns it. Mistwalker is like Treasure where the publisher owns the IP. Microsoft Owns Blue Dragon and Lost Odessey.

I just checked the link someone else provided here. As I expected, neither Nintendo nor Microsoft has total control over Mistwalker's IPs. So while they aren't entirely property of Mistwalker, they aren't Nintendo's either.

leedlelee said:
Aielyn said:

So they could make it a prequel, instead. The Second-Last Story. Has a nice ring to it.

The Penultimate Story would probably suit a JRPG much better...

But that would make it the second-greatest story, not the second-last story. If they'd called the first game The Ultimate Story, I'd agree with you (and there'd be no problem with it being a sequel).

Blob said:

Both games were good but i felt they were being held back a bit by the wii hardware at the time. Definately think they were conceived as PS360 games and then Nintendo picked them up when something went wrong.

I don't see anything about the design of The Last Story or Pandora's Tower that hints at PS3/360 origins.

curl-6 said:

Syrenne's too busy having a bath with Mirania. :p On a side  note, the epilogue hints she's pregnant.

Man, I loved TLS's characters. By the end of the game they really felt like friends and comrades, and as the credits rolled I was almost sad that I wouldn't get to keep following their stories.

That poor baby is going to bleed whiskey.