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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Fanboys And Their Insufferable Double Standards

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Sony Fanboys And Their Insufferable Double Standards

"It’s the aftermath of the whole Rise of the Tomb Raider circus, which I covered extensively in an opinion piece yesterday. If reading is hard or you already hate my opinion because it’s about Sony fanboys, then my summarised version would be that your anger should be directed at Square Enix and not Microsoft, because the latter is simply doing what it has done for years as a primary strategy. Be upset instead with Square Enix for having to ‘resort’ to making Tomb Raider, of all games in the entire world, guaranteed to sell millions, a timed exclusive simply because they need money after all their successful failures as of late. Anyway, it’s a new day and a new topic, and if you want to engage in that one feel free to hit up my full opinion and discuss. Today I have a bone to pick with Sony fanboys, fiends spawned from the good-hearted PS4 fans out there, and it saddens me because as a PS4 owner myself it’s upsetting to be part of a toxic group. Enough, however, is most certainly enough.

Obviously I am not referring to all Sony fans. But one can’t deny there is a rather large camp who are cancerous, and I will no longer resort to the cop-out of “every platform has its assholes and fanboys”, because with Sony fans it seems to be worse. First I want to address the insufferable mentality carried by these Sony fanboys, and that is this massive black and white problem they seem to have. It goes like this. Microsoft used to be bad, and did some ludicrous and stupid things with their Xbox One under different leadership, and had to be put down like a wild dog. However, while that was all good, the problem now is that because they were once bad, everything they do and everything they ever will do is bad too. It’s such a basic, primitive bias. You don’t like someone, therefore you will never agree with them or ever entertain a thought they have even when they’re right.

Learn to take emotion out of it, or rather get the fuck over it. If we subscribed to that attitude then we should all still hate Sony for their first few bullshit years of the PS3. I would know, I bought a PS3 at launch. It only became an orgasmic machine after two or three years. But Sony did everything possible to make up for their abysmal start to the PS3, and rightfully deserved every bit of praise come the end. Now, Microsoft is really trying to make up for their failures, Phil Spencer is actually a decent and likable guy (not like that mad fucker Don Mattrick) and they have been focusing on games to the point that they have even implicitly conceded Kinect is a waste of time. Sure, Microsoft were once hatable, but that doesn’t mean you need to vilify them for the rest of the goddamn console generation. Let me give you the cold truth. Sony is not infallible. I love them, but they pull unlikable crap too. PS Now anybody? So do not make heroes out of companies. Do not worship them. They can make mistakes too.

That is just the beginning of the bias PS4 fanboys have. I’m going to paint another truth, and it was something angrily highlighted by another writer on this site. Referring to Rise of the Tomb Raider specifically, had Sony come out and announced that it had got a timed exclusive deal I guarantee you, without one shred of doubt, that the large majority would have been praising Sony and their genius. I initially thought that this was because there are far more PS4 owners out there right now, but it’s something more. It really isn’t a vocal minority anymore. Amid the petitions, the constant hate speech directed at Microsoft, the level of insecurity that Sony fans the moment you criticise anything PS4 related – it’s on another level to the Xbox One camp. I’ve written pieces criticising both Microsoft and Sony, but by far the latter receives harsher feedback. More than that, what is most damning is that if you just read people’s comments, they still have the same opinions about Microsoft they’ve had back at the time of the nasty DRM saga. It’s nothing more than a close-minded bias.

The double standard is blatant and goes like this. Anything Sony does, praise it. Anything bad they do, defend it, justify it or sweep it away. But anything Microsoft does, scrutinise it, and anything bad they do, vilify them further. I’m a PS4 fan and honest to God it’s making me sick. Where’s the objectivity? Where’s the fairness? Where’s the moment where something like PS Now can just be criticised for being bad value without implying some kind of satanic betrayal to the God Sony? Where’s the acknowledgement of any of the good Microsoft has done, without choking on your own air pockets? It was alright to be totally against Microsoft and the Xbox One when they had those DRM practices going on. But that’s in the past. It’s alright to still be cautious about them, as you should be with any corporate company designed to put itself and its profits first, but to still vilify them proves a baseless bias.

Here’s another thought experiment. If Silent Hills turns out to be a PS4 exclusive, which is looking likely since it’s suggested that it’s being published by Sony Computer Entertainment, you can bet your happy meal chicken ass that the Sony fanboys will be throwing it in the faces of all Xbox One owners and making a big fuss with some “keep your shitty Tomb Raider” comments in for good measure. How hypocritical is that? It’s ridiculous actually. I am convinced that most of the outrage isn’t actually by legitimate Tomb Raider fans, who I genuinely feel sorry for since they’re getting shafted because of Square Enix’s failures. It’s just by Sony fanboys who are angered that the Xbox One is getting something. Sure we can feel sorry for the PC gamers out there too, because they didn’t do anything either. On that note, I implore you to cease having this immense bias towards Microsoft and allow the console generation to flourish. There are so many games out there that unless you’re a die-hard Tomb Raider fan, you really won’t die without Rise of the Tomb Raider, just like Xbox One fans won’t die without Silent Hills. You can want it, but don’t become a brat because you’re not getting it.

That, in not quite a nutshell, is the situation with Sony fanboys and their insufferable double standards.



This will probably do no good whatsoever, and I’m probably a bit insane for even bothering, but in light of all the Xbox and Microsoft fanboy accusations I’m getting, I’ll simply leave this here as clarification:

  • I’ve unfortunately never owned an Xbox console.
  • I own a PS4, previously bought a PS3 and have supported Sony for over eight years.
  • Thus, criticising what I love and who I support is the opposite of fanboying.

The rest is up to you and your interpretations now."


This was taken from N4G.

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Around the Network

That was honestly a bit of a lame article.

blah blah blah,. i'm the bad guy for wanting industry to treat it's gamers with respect instead of asshattery.

Fanboys have double standards?!

"Referring to Rise of the Tomb Raider specifically, had Sony come out and announced that it had got a timed exclusive deal I guarantee you, without one shred of doubt, that the large majority would have been praising Sony and their genius"

Stopped reading there, what a horrible article.

Around the Network

"Obviously I am not referring to all Sony fans. But one can’t deny there is a rather large camp who are cancerous, and I will no longer resort to the cop-out of “every platform has its assholes and fanboys”, because with Sony fans it seems to be worse"

Yeah no...

The One and Only


DerNebel said:

Sony fanboys are the worst and should stop crying

The One and Only

ErwinMoC said:
"Referring to Rise of the Tomb Raider specifically, had Sony come out and announced that it had got a timed exclusive deal I guarantee you, without one shred of doubt, that the large majority would have been praising Sony and their genius"

Stopped reading there, what a horrible article.

Did you stop reading because it's true

Tagging, not really in the mood to get involved just yet. But I don't want to lose this thread.

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I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.