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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One is Beasting in the Games Department!

Cant say any of these games are making me want to run out and buy an XBO.

"I think it will be the HDS"-Me in regards to Nintendo's next handheld.

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Many of those games (third party ones) are on PS4 too and for this year ps4 has little big planet 3 and Driveclub (i don't want to count the shitty port that is tlous remastered xd) that combined with multiplats will make enough to hold until 2015 that will begin hard with the order 1886, bloodborne and probably uncharted 4 (and of course more multiplats like batman, the witcher 3 etc)

 Edit: What i mean is that Microsoft is doing well, but if they want any chance of winning the gen they will have to do much better.

Mr Puggsly said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Mr Puggsly said:

He was clearly boasting about the library, not just exclusives.

You might find this hard to believe, but even multiplats help make a library stronger. Just look at the Vita or Wii U.

Xbox One has so many exclusive titles and things are looking great for the system. Xbox One is beasting homies

What's the problem? He didn't claim everything in there was an exclusive. Nor did he mention every exclusive.,

You need to stop looking for arguments where there are none. I merely crossed out the multiplats. You're the one trying to argue, if you actually read my post you would see the part where I complimented its support  and thus its library.


Although now that you mention it, even if you include the "console exclusives" /scoff the library is about the same on the ps4 and about equal to Wii U in number of exclusives. The Wii U however, has actual exclusives.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Great list & all but you should of waited to make this after GamesCon!

One thing I've learned in this thread is that If your post is as long or longer than this, then you know you're doing it right.

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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Mr Puggsly said:

What's the problem? He didn't claim everything in there was an exclusive. Nor did he mention every exclusive.,

You need to stop looking for arguments where there are none. I merely crossed out the multiplats. You're the one trying to argue, if you actually read my post you would see the part where I complimented its support  and thus its library.


Although now that you mention it, even if you include the "console exclusives" /scoff the library is about the same on the ps4 and about equal to Wii U in number of exclusives. The Wii U however, has actual exclusives.

I'm not arguing. He didn't claim everything mentioned was an exclusive. Lets just leave it at that.

"Console exclusives" are noteworthy because they still helped move/moved a particular console.

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ArnoldRimmer said:
Maybe I'm just a weirdo, but GTA5 is seriously the only game in the list I'm actually interested in.

Or maybe the X1 sales numbers suggest that this thinking is not so weird after all...

The general interest in X1 and PS4 are games on other platforms.

So you aren't weird, the masses want multiplat games. However, some presume its exclusives that primarily move hardware.

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PotentHerbs said:
Great list & all but you should of waited to make this after GamesCon!

Gamescon is going to be mostly just the same and then some "Look forward to it in 2017!" or "Introducing the *Insert Last Gen Game Here* Definitive Remaster!".

BigReasoning said:
Jazz2K said:
So sad to see so many people being "offended/feel attacked" that some people actualy enjoy what X1 has to offer. Sometimes it's ok to just let it go guys. Your masculinity won't fall of a cliff if not everyone disses X1... really!

And yeah some keep saying Titanfall is long forgotten but it still sells pretty well for a 5month game. I still play the game and every time I see a bunch of Gen1 players which means new players every weeks. Give it a rest, Titanfall is a great game and it proves that graphics/resolution doesn't prevent people from enjoying a game.

Lots of nice games coming this fall on the 3 consoles. Just sad to see so many spit on work done by devs just because it's not on their console of choice... just give praise where due and move on, sheesh!

The thread was fije until someone came in and said "X1 has a lot better lineup then ps4", which is nonsense and untrue. The OP never even mentioned ps4, stop selective reading.

Did I mention anyone? I said it's sad some people do it... how is that selective reading.

am i the only one who excited for Ori and The Blind Forest?