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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One is Beasting in the Games Department!

Toastboy... We get it... You love your XBone and want other people to love it too. Sometimes you just gotta calm down bud. I love my PS4, but I don't make threads about how I've had the chance to enjoy Killzone, inFamous, Dead Nation, Resogun, Battlefield 4, Wolfenstein, Tomb Raider, Transistor, The Last of Us, and Knack. At the end of the day, none really cares. Just enjoy what you have.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

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Wow, anything good about Xbox One gets absolutely demolished by our wonderful "community". Good job guys + FlamingWeazel, never take a day off even though this thread isnt attacking any other console.

So this whole thread is an opinion piece? Interesting. Well, in MY opinion, I disagree.

Also, I looked up "beasting" in the dictionary and found no such word. Even spell check keeps telling me I'm trying to type "besting."

Mr Puggsly said:
Nicklesbe said:
Mr Puggsly said:

There are more than "few" and he didn't mention every exclusive.

Even a certain Xbox competitor is getting less exclusives (than 7th gen) and allowing developers to put games on PC.

What they have now is not acceptable and it's reflected in the sales.

The performance of the X1 has little to do with software. The succcess of PS4 isn't due to strong exclusives either.

Its not like PS4 isn't doing great because of Killzone and Infamous. Those games have sold less than Titanfall (a multiplat).

I'm sorry but no. Software has pretty much the biggest role in it right now. They are the same price and the kinect is gone so right now the driving factor is software just like every single gen before this one. Most console multiplats are treated as Ps4 exclusives at least up until now because they have preformed better and had exclusive content. Killzone and infamous as well as the comparably much larger list of AAA exclusives announced  has been responsible for seeling far more consoles than Titanfall which everyone has pretty much forgotten about. That's my point tho is it's not just the games that are out now, but the fact that ps4 more exclusives out now helps but it also helps a lot that they also have more exclusives announced down the line. Software really matters, at least to most gamers, so it's safe to say games matter. At this point it has everything to do with Xb1's failure and Ps4's success.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Nicklesbe said:
Mr Puggsly said:

The performance of the X1 has little to do with software. The succcess of PS4 isn't due to strong exclusives either.

Its not like PS4 isn't doing great because of Killzone and Infamous. Those games have sold less than Titanfall (a multiplat).

I'm sorry but no. Software has pretty much the biggest role in it right now.

Agreed, software plays the BIGGEST role. 3rd party plays the BIGGEST role.

When it comes to 1st and other exclusive, they are pretty much equal.

Sony made better decisions when they were launching their platform outside of software. That is a big reason for the PS4 sales lead.

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Uh? ^

Mr Puggsly said:

Agreed, software plays the BIGGEST role. 3rd party plays the BIGGEST role.

When it comes to 1st and other exclusive, they are pretty much equal.

Sony made better decisions when they were launching their platform outside of software. That is a big reason for the PS4 sales lead.

Also agreed on that note. Xb1 is starting to turn that poor launch around now. I just think they need more studios, they got the money to do it so I hope they do. It would have the added benefit of giving me moar games ^.^ n thats rarely bad.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

I'm sad to see all of this banning and moderating. This site is the opposite of the fun filled trash talking and standing up for your favorite console that I thought it would be. I feel like this is a communist site that censors and punishes those that wish for freedom of speech. This very comment may be moderated. :( I am not even going to try to say what I really want to say about this post.

So sad to see so many people being "offended/feel attacked" that some people actualy enjoy what X1 has to offer. Sometimes it's ok to just let it go guys. Your masculinity won't fall of a cliff if not everyone disses X1... really!

And yeah some keep saying Titanfall is long forgotten but it still sells pretty well for a 5month game. I still play the game and every time I see a bunch of Gen1 players which means new players every weeks. Give it a rest, Titanfall is a great game and it proves that graphics/resolution doesn't prevent people from enjoying a game.

Lots of nice games coming this fall on the 3 consoles. Just sad to see so many spit on work done by devs just because it's not on their console of choice... just give praise where due and move on, sheesh!

gamemaster4747 said:
I'm sad to see all of this banning and moderating. This site is the opposite of the fun filled trash talking and standing up for your favorite console that I thought it would be. I feel like this is a communist site that censors and punishes those that wish for freedom of speech. This very comment may be moderated. :( I am not even going to try to say what I really want to say about this post.

So true, maybe this site isn't for you. However the youtube comment section sounds like it has what you're looking for.