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Mr Puggsly said:
Nicklesbe said:
Mr Puggsly said:

There are more than "few" and he didn't mention every exclusive.

Even a certain Xbox competitor is getting less exclusives (than 7th gen) and allowing developers to put games on PC.

What they have now is not acceptable and it's reflected in the sales.

The performance of the X1 has little to do with software. The succcess of PS4 isn't due to strong exclusives either.

Its not like PS4 isn't doing great because of Killzone and Infamous. Those games have sold less than Titanfall (a multiplat).

I'm sorry but no. Software has pretty much the biggest role in it right now. They are the same price and the kinect is gone so right now the driving factor is software just like every single gen before this one. Most console multiplats are treated as Ps4 exclusives at least up until now because they have preformed better and had exclusive content. Killzone and infamous as well as the comparably much larger list of AAA exclusives announced  has been responsible for seeling far more consoles than Titanfall which everyone has pretty much forgotten about. That's my point tho is it's not just the games that are out now, but the fact that ps4 more exclusives out now helps but it also helps a lot that they also have more exclusives announced down the line. Software really matters, at least to most gamers, so it's safe to say games matter. At this point it has everything to do with Xb1's failure and Ps4's success.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)