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walsufnir said:
Seems TR is not a timed exclusive...

OMG the Salt! LOL

walsufnir said:
Seems TR is not a timed exclusive...

it'll come to pc, just like titanfall, ryse and dead rising 3

bananaking21 said:
iceland said:
bananaking21 said:
iceland said:

most likely. 

It has to be timed, just doesn't make sense on both ends really.

its already a very stupid from square enix to do. if it isnt timed, then lol. square fucked up. 

Stupidity. Microsoft must have paid a shit load to get that.

iceland said:
walsufnir said:
Seems TR is not a timed exclusive...

OMG the Salt! LOL

Guess they needed something to compete with Uncharted.

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Xevross said:
Mr_No said:

The thing is, they never mentioned it was a timed exclusive. They said it was exclusive for Xbox One.

Xbox One 2015 exclusive was the wording I think, or something similar. There's no way Tomb Raider would go exclusive I think. It would be fantastic for XBO if it was though

It makes more sense now. I'm watching on Twitter that a lot of people believe it's solely exclusive to X1. A good way to spread omitted news. Now, we'll have to see if this is successful or if it will make a backlash.

fireburn95 said:
Tomb raider exclusive so far is only megaton
Max p-I mean quantum break looked good at e3 trailers, now it just seems another shooter, lost excitement for that
fable - boring
So far decent show, good exclusives, but too much focus on cod & fifa

Cant even call it a megaton since the reboot did not sell as mch as TF so the sequel will bomb.Just moe desperation to get whatever they can.

quantum break, i am speechless but not in the right direction, the hero have  NO charisme at all. and look like all other cover shooter.

The only good thing i have seen have temp exclu of tomb raider, but SE just lost one copy since i have nothing after dragon age origine on ps4 this years, but next years i have the order 18.... so see you on psn+ :p

The Fury said:
bananaking21 said:

its already a very stupid from square enix to do. if it isnt timed, then lol. square fucked up. 

I think a deal was done around the time of the 2013 release of the last game, before PS4 and Xbone released and before anyone knoew of PS4's success. MS pay for some of the development and they get time exclusive based on potential. That potential may not be worth the cost for SquEnix in the long run if sales of the game when/if it does come to PS4 do not meet the targets they want (less hype, not in Christmas period etc). But a great deal for MS no doubt.

I think it is a recent deal, otherwise they would have mentioned it at E3.  Maybe one of their other projects was pushed back from holiday 2015 so they had to plug the gap

Damn so it is exclusive! That's the only surprise so far. Although, I'm not interested in Tomb Raider so it doesn't matter to me