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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog "nickeling and diming"?

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As people have said before, they did the same thing with Uncharted 3.

I personally dislike such DLCs and consider them nothing more than an attempt at grabbing cash rather than extending the life of a game. BUT if you dont want them, dont buy them.

EDIT: OH RIGHT! I was under the impression this was the GOTY edition. This just leaves the possibility of such an edition being released next year.

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So they support the game with more content and people get mad?
No ones forced to buy it and I really doubt they held back the DLC from the remastered version. It probably was not ready in time and it would be stupid to delay a title just for a small portion of multiplayer DLC which the majority of people will not care for.

vivster said:
Those poor people being forced to buy what they want. Someone has to stop this madness!

They walk into a store and buy their shopping, then as they are walking out they see a rack of chewing gum.

Damn them, damn them to hell for nickeling and diming us with entirely optional product.

kitler53 said:

I made a pie chart to compare gamers who aren't happy to gamers that are happy. 

Does the blye represent people that are happy, or people that aren't?!

Duebal Post!!!!!

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KylieDog said:
They did it to Uncharted 3 too, turned it into a microtransaction milk-fest.

UNcharted 4 will likely suffer the same fate. Sony gets to EA levels of bad with its mega-hits.

A lot of people also like to forget they were the only ones out of th Big 3 to have online passes for their first party games.

This is not a big deal sense most of the extra DLC is just cosmetic things like mask and clothes. Its a lot like what Media Molecule does with LittleBigPlanet by releasing new costumes every few weeks to keep the multiplayer fresh and people that like buying those type of things happy.

As for the new maps and guns that is separate from all the costumes and mask to keep the multiplayer fresh just like they do in COD. DO people really think ND would add maps for free? If you want the extra maps buy them like you have to do with every other game out there if you feel the need to complain about it than you probably shouldn't buy it.

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Goatseye said:
This business practice can affect all three common platforms; so, it's not an issue whether I should be the one bringing this subject to the table, when my console of choice also has a Remaster on the way.

MCC could as well feature weapons DLC in the future, so it's in my interest and I believe also for some of you that this discussion would be useful.

For some, even map packs detract the fun of MP in TLOU because there aren't enough players online to divide them with map DLCs and further increase the wait for matchmaking.

Others think that, weapons pack will eventually break their experience online because right now some weapons are still OP (ie: the bow); therefore, what would impede ND, of releasing for a fee, weapons that could eventually give whoever pays, some leverage in the game.

These ^^ should be the talking points.

As far as the maps go I don't think it will be a problem. I remember TLOU MP only having about 3 game modes so everyone isn't as split up as a game like COD would be (several games modes and a couple map packs per game).

Can't comment on the weapons because I haven't seen them yet but that is a possibiility. But it is also possible that they could turn out just fine.

How dare ND force people who bought the last of us to buy DLC! I already paid for the game why do I need to buy extra crap I don't even want?

Wait? It's optional? Oh...ok...what's all the fuss about then?

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

The weapons and perks I understand, its a line I would prefer to not be crossed, a shortcut dlc was better, and if ND really want some cash for that, put the unlock requirements up there next to the sky. This cosmetic stuff its fine. Map packs should be free by unlocking (high requirements) and paid for insta play...

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