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Forums - Sports Discussion - The NFL Thread 2014: New England Patriots Win Super Bowl XLIX


Who will win the Super Bowl?

Who cares? 41 36.61%
That AFC team. 29 25.89%
That NFC team. 5 4.46%
Hahaha, not the Packers! 25 22.32%
See Results. 9 8.04%

To be fair, that throw actually wasn't the best it could have been. Dez was outrunning the guy on him, and actually had to slow down a tad, do a huge jump, and turn way back in the air to catch it. If that ball is placed like a yard further up it's probably a TD.

Still Romo played quite well throughout I think.

Around the Network

I need that shoulder! somebody give me a shoulder now!

NobleTeam360 said:
I need that shoulder! somebody give me a shoulder now!

lol wheelchair Manning (I like that nickname) missing easy throws left and right

Angelus said:
lol wheelchair Manning (I like that nickname) missing easy throws left and right

That's inaccurate, if he was in a wheelchair, he'd have more mobility :D

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Sorry I can't post Rol's and Buren's picks right now: this sight hates letting you access your PM on mobile. Will post once I cease getting sent to my profile. Every. Single. Time.

All those high price free agent signing and the Broncos still can't stop Luck. Still a good amount of time for Manning to get on track though.

Not a Colts fan at all, and I actually am rather annoyed by all the constant Luck hype, but gotta admit I'm rooting for them to give Manning and the Broncos the bounce lol

Heading for a 3-1, because the Broncos suck.


Angelus said:
Not a Colts fan at all, and I actually am rather annoyed by all the constant Luck hype, but gotta admit I'm rooting for them to give Manning and the Broncos the bounce lol

Which would be great news, the Pats running attack could use a warm up team for the SB :D