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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Shuumatsu no Izetta 12

Well, fuck, a happy ending? That is a twist, so now Izetta and Fine have their secret love nest, wasn't expecting her to survive, so just Izetta being on a wheelchair is a happy ending I can take. Also RIP Germanians.

Overall great anime, great music, some nice characters, lots of feels and lesbians.

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Quit anime for a bit so that I can do my finals. Now it is breaktime so I can start binging a bit more.

As for poll, at the time I thought the Christmas episode in Angel Beats was really sad and moving.

Kabaneri Of The Iron Fortress will get a new Anime on 2018. 

Never saw it, but I remember some users here watching it. Seemed like a poor man's AoT.


Farsala said:
Quit anime for a bit so that I can do my finals. Now it is breaktime so I can start binging a bit more.

As for poll, at the time I thought the Christmas episode in Angel Beats was really sad and moving.

Welcome back man! It's been a while since I've seen you here :o Finals have been a pain for me as well, way behind this season.


That Izetta ending certainly was an ending. A bit stupid though to end it like that.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
Shadow8 said:

Kabaneri Of The Iron Fortress will get a new Anime on 2018. 

Never saw it, but I remember some users here watching it. Seemed like a poor man's AoT.

Let me dig up my old end season review of the first season:

LuckyTrouble said:
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress ended...okay. I have mixed feelings about this one. The characters were interesting, and the Kabane were an okay variation on your standard zombie enemy. Unfortunately, the abilities of the Kabaneri were only briefly touched on, really. I thought the motivations for the human enemies were a little bit lacking too, and that other parts of the show were not nearly explained well enough. Okay, research has happened, but where did the white blood and black blood come from? How were they derived? With proper usage, how strong could a Kabaneri become? Are there other types of blood that can augment Kabaneri ability? How exactly is a Kabaneri even made? Is it a product of will power, or do the restraints make all the difference? Both?

The biggest kick is probably that the final confrontation felt rushed, and nothing important was resolved when the show ended. I felt like nobody really accomplished much of anything towards an overall goal, though character development was at least pretty solid. It was mostly a dwindling human population getting each other killed and adding to the Kabane population. Solid work, all.

Overall Kabaneri is probably about a 7.5/10. Not bad by any stretch, but not nearly meeting the potential it showed in its first episode.

The 7.5 was a bit generous. I'd say after having time to think on it a bit and mull it over, 6/10 is more appropriate. A show with no clear goal, no resolution, and poorly developed enemies doesn't exactly scream "sequel material," but maybe the second season will help address ways the first sucked.

In unrelated news, Days, that soccer anime that I'm pretty sure I've been the only one here watching for two straight seasons, will be getting another season next year. No specified season at this time which makes me think Summer 2017 or Fall 2017 are likely candidates.


I wish they would make a good soccer anime again. And with good I mean female cast. For god's sake, starting next season we will have a second bike anime with girls.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

As is tradition, once it gets cold enough outside and I want to stay warm, I start binging anime. So recently I finished Samurai Champloo (loved it!) Kill la Kill (pretty good!) Ghost in the Shell (amazing!). Now I have to finish Psycho Pass and my annual NHK viewing (I like feeling depressed this time of year) so I can move on to Ergo Proxy and Fate/Zero. After that it will be Monster and probably Your Lie in April so I can be even more depressed.

Anyhow hello once again!

#1 Amb-ass-ador

King of the Hill a recommended anime now lol?

Well I do like it but that was not expected



ReimTime said:
As is tradition, once it gets cold enough outside and I want to stay warm, I start binging anime. So recently I finished Samurai Champloo (loved it!) Kill la Kill (pretty good!) Ghost in the Shell (amazing!). Now I have to finish Psycho Pass and my annual NHK viewing (I like feeling depressed this time of year) so I can move on to Ergo Proxy and Fate/Zero. After that it will be Monster and probably Your Lie in April so I can be even more depressed.

Anyhow hello once again!

If you like feeling depressed go watch Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.