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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Won't lie, Nanbaka has surprised me. It has balanced humor and dramatic elements surprisingly effectively to create a show that is more than meets the eye. This one feels like a sleeper hit this season. It has made me laugh, and it has made me eager to learn more about the colorful cast of characters. Granted, everything sparkles, but in the ninth episode, they use drained color and an absence of glitter to create a substantial contrast of tone and art to the rest of the show up to that point.

I highly recommend this one at this point if it somehow passed under your radars for the Fall 2016 season.

On a separate note, I watched Alderamin on the Sky and was relatively impressed. A military show with likeable characters, an interesting plot, and well transitioned conflict. Disappointingly, it probably won't get a second season half because Madhouse and half because it apparently didn't push light novel sales or do well in bluray and DVD sales. C'est la vie, I suppose.


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If genderswapped, Nanbaka would've easily been my AOTY. Not even kidding, it's pretty cool stuff but I can't stomach that amount of dongs.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Nanbaka actually works well as it is. Prisons are gender separated, keeping it realistic that it's all male staff except the Warden who doesn't directly interact with prisoners, and all male prisoners as it would be normally. It keeps an already unrealistic show grounded with a setting that can at least be understood. The personalities are distinct enough to keep it interesting, and with a couple of very near trap-level character designs, I think the balance is kept well


Well, you know my stance. I would not mind if they removed all Y-chromosomes out of my Japanese media.

Animes like Saki, K-On and Takkyuu Musume show that it's just not necessary.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Well Fairy Tails last season was certainly interesting. I wonder if the manga has shown any signs of ending soon, with all the big figures making so many appearances lately. I hope they can do more anime soon, but I can do without the filler. So they can take their time imo.

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LuckyTrouble said:

Nanbaka actually works well as it is. Prisons are gender separated, keeping it realistic that it's all male staff except the Warden who doesn't directly interact with prisoners, and all male prisoners as it would be normally. It keeps an already unrealistic show grounded with a setting that can at least be understood. The personalities are distinct enough to keep it interesting, and with a couple of very near trap-level character designs, I think the balance is kept well

This exchange kinda reminded me of this random harem anime I watched that took place in a military setting...and still had an almost entirely female cast. I remember the setup was that the main group of six girls and one dude was called the Worst Platoon, because they always failed their missions or something. I remember thinking "Well...I don't want to be a chauvinist...but you're basically setting this up yourself."

I really don't mind it of course. Nice eye candy. Like you said though, I like to see anime that accurately reflect their settings on occasion too.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Super_Boom said:
LuckyTrouble said:

Nanbaka actually works well as it is. Prisons are gender separated, keeping it realistic that it's all male staff except the Warden who doesn't directly interact with prisoners, and all male prisoners as it would be normally. It keeps an already unrealistic show grounded with a setting that can at least be understood. The personalities are distinct enough to keep it interesting, and with a couple of very near trap-level character designs, I think the balance is kept well

This exchange kinda reminded me of this random harem anime I watched that took place in a military setting...and still had an almost entirely female cast. I remember the setup was that the main group of six girls and one dude was called the Worst Platoon, because they always failed their missions or something. I remember thinking "Well...I don't want to be a chauvinist...but you're basically setting this up yourself."

I really don't mind it of course. Nice eye candy. Like you said though, I like to see anime that accurately reflect their settings on occasion too.

Ah, I'm guessing you're talking about Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai. Not necessarily awful, but I ended up dropping it halfway through because it was pretty bad still. I had to really Google for that one too because it was so forgettable as part of the Fall 2015 season among anime like One Punch Man and the second season of Haikyuu, not to mention other action harem anime like Asterisk Wars and Rakudai Kishi no Calvary that all aired simultaneously.


LuckyTrouble said:
Super_Boom said:

This exchange kinda reminded me of this random harem anime I watched that took place in a military setting...and still had an almost entirely female cast. I remember the setup was that the main group of six girls and one dude was called the Worst Platoon, because they always failed their missions or something. I remember thinking "Well...I don't want to be a chauvinist...but you're basically setting this up yourself."

I really don't mind it of course. Nice eye candy. Like you said though, I like to see anime that accurately reflect their settings on occasion too.

Ah, I'm guessing you're talking about Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai. Not necessarily awful, but I ended up dropping it halfway through because it was pretty bad still. I had to really Google for that one too because it was so forgettable as part of the Fall 2015 season among anime like One Punch Man and the second season of Haikyuu, not to mention other action harem anime like Asterisk Wars and Rakudai Kishi no Calvary that all aired simultaneously.

Yeah that was it. I remember thinking the bleak magi-science setting seemed promising at first, only for it to become extremely formulaic and boring. None of the characters were all that least enough for me to remember...which is pretty bad for what essentially turned out to be a Waifu of the Week anime. I think I made it to episode 7...or when girl #4 was getting her obligatory two-episode focus arc.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Next season looks to be very very fun. Not the power quality of this season but so many promising comedy animes.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond Is Unbreakable

I just caught back up with Jojo this morning and holy shit I can't wait for Friday for the finale of Part 4. Though I will miss Kira and duwang gang. In fact its probably now my favorite Jojo part and Yoshikage Kira might be in tie with Joseph for my favorite character.