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Won't lie, Nanbaka has surprised me. It has balanced humor and dramatic elements surprisingly effectively to create a show that is more than meets the eye. This one feels like a sleeper hit this season. It has made me laugh, and it has made me eager to learn more about the colorful cast of characters. Granted, everything sparkles, but in the ninth episode, they use drained color and an absence of glitter to create a substantial contrast of tone and art to the rest of the show up to that point.

I highly recommend this one at this point if it somehow passed under your radars for the Fall 2016 season.

On a separate note, I watched Alderamin on the Sky and was relatively impressed. A military show with likeable characters, an interesting plot, and well transitioned conflict. Disappointingly, it probably won't get a second season half because Madhouse and half because it apparently didn't push light novel sales or do well in bluray and DVD sales. C'est la vie, I suppose.