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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

BITE ZA DUSTO HYPE, waiting for Jojo every week is going to become more painful now.

Also while I haven't watched the episode yet, Flip Flappers is 100% AOTS now.

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Ok, the most popular choices in thelast poll were Chiaki and Mayuri tied for 2nd behind Other.

New poll will be the best poll of all time, no question. We will finally know who best gril trulyl is.


I prefer Char Broil

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I just can't stop being amazed by this season. I knew it would be great but some animes actually surpassed my expectations.

Euphonium has basically locked in its deserved 10. Never would've thought it would go there but it's just so damn good. Who am I to not honor that.

3 Gatsu no Lion is amazing too even though I expected nothing from it.

Bubuki Buranki is just at its best after a good but not great first season. It's the most Trigger anime without being Trigger. If you pretend to be a Trigger fan but didn't watch Buranki, you're not a Trigger fan.

Girlish number is still pretty strong and while the series is overall just ok, the main girl is absolutely amazing.

Haikyuu brings its A game as well and is the only episode besides Flip Flappers and Occultic 9 where I can't skip the OP and ED.

This might just bee the best season I have ever watched.

Kaoruko is still best girl of the season despite very strong competition.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Me everyday:

Let's give it up for the best friend of bachelors everywhere!!!

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Double post cuz my George Foreman greatness deserved its own.

Lion: Hina's reactions to the tall boy are cute...though is the MC into him too? Absolutely haram.

Didn't realize MC being a professional was a secret to the girls, but maybe I wasn't paying attention. Now he's Rei-sensei!

The cat thing at the end was goofy, but it would probably be funnier if I could understand Japanese.  

Hibike: To be Glasses is pain.

Bungo: Holy freaking pacing Batman, calm down! In one single episode we had Kyouka being awesome, screwing up, losing Tora-shounen, creepy kid attacking H.P. Lovecraft and having Mark Twain beat him, zombie apocalypse happening, red hair coming back, reforming, and sacrificing herself, and...everything being resolved already.

I was hoping that the Agency would choose to team up with the Guild to fight the Port Mafia, but I guess the Guild is way too OP right now. We still don't know what the leader can do...I think. The Port Mafia will obviously be "all according to keikaku" when this fight is over.  

Jojo: That was great overall. Rohan probably gets the most interesting fights, since he's so intelligent. "Go to Hell" made me laugh.

But FREAKING JOTARO! Look around and see the terrified child! You can end this all so easily!

Meanwhile...a good old fashioned father-son naked brawl. Things are finally reaching the climax; excited to see what happens next. Hopefully Hayato can escape somehow.  

Keijo: Hurray...she learned how to use that solid ass to pull vegetables. Curious to see Sayaka's family.  

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

To anyone who already watched both. Should I watch Kingsglaive or Brotherhood first?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
To anyone who already watched both. Should I watch Kingsglaive or Brotherhood first?

I dont think it matters too much. Brotherhood takes place after the gang go on their journey, but it's actually mostly just flashbacks of their lives when they were younger. Kingslaive has to do with what's going on after their journey, but in the kingdom itself.

I guess I'd suggest Brotherhood first and then kingslaive